Stephan Bogner

Capacitor Metals: Big plans for one of the world‘s biggest deposits of tantalum and niobium

Disseminated on behalf of Capacitor Metals Corp. and Zimtu Capital Corp.

Nvidia, the global leader in artificial intelligence computing and the world‘s second most valuable company with a market capitalization in excess of $3 trillion USD, owes its success in part to the unique properties of tantalum. This rare high-tech metal is essential for computer chips, which are critical to the operations of Nvidia and other major chip manufacturers in China and Taiwan. The unsung hero as a technology-critical metal is starting to make waves in the markets as investors are realizing its rapid growth in the electronics industry, particularly the increasing need for tantalum capacitors. Today, a mind-boggling 75% of all electronic components contain tantalum. The artificial intelligence era would come to an abrupt end without tantalum. And yet most tantalum comes from artisanal and small-scale mines, where alluvial deposits have been heavily depleted after decades of surface mining. Alarmingly, the industry is quietly but urgently seeking a stable and reliable source of tantalum capable of delivering substantial and consistent production for decades. This pressing need is the driving force behind the formation of Capacitor Metals Corp., with the Blue River Tantalum-Niobium Project emerging as the leading development initiative in the Western World.

Commerce Resources is engaged in the business of acquiring, exploring, developing and evaluating mineral resource properties, and either joint venturing or developing these properties further or disposing of them when the evaluation is completed. Co. is in the exploration stage and has interests in properties located in British Columbia and Quebec, Canada. The recoverability of amounts shown for resource properties is dependent upon the discovery of economically recoverable reserves, continuation of Co.'s interest in the underlying mineral claims, the ability of Co. to obtain financing to complete their development, and future profitable production or disposition thereof.

Rockstone Research
Rockstone Research

Rockstone is a research house specialized in the analysis and valuation of capital markets and publicly listed companies. The focus is set on exploration, development and production of resource deposits as well as marcoeconomic analysis of commodity and currency markets. Our international team of five analysts bring our German and English speaking readership a wealth of experience from the commodity markets: Stephan Bogner (mining analyst), John P. Barry (professional geologist), Chris Berry (macroeconomist), Prof. Dr. Hans Bocker (award-winning book author), and Boris Gerjovic (fundamental analyst).

Stephan Bogner

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