Stephan Bogner

Gratomic: Leading the pack in high-quality graphite production race

There may never be a more pivotal time to take advantage of the investment opportunity offered within the electric vehicle (EV) supply chain. With lithium carbonate prices having sky-rocketed to what Elon Musk calls “insane levels“, Bloomberg recently noted that lithium prices are showing signs of losing momentum. While all eyes still appear to be on the lithium market at the moment, investors sooner or later may jump on the graphite bandwagon as the fundamentals for this battery-critical mineral are arguably even hotter. As the current lithium supply deficit is forecasted to go back into surplus by 2025, the story looks all the more different for graphite as its supply deficit is expected to more than triple from 10% this year to 32% in 2025. New graphite supply is urgently needed, which is however not as easy as increasing lithium output. When investors realize that graphite is the most crucial bottleneck for global adoption of EVs, graphite exploration and mining companies such as Gratomic Inc. are poised to become the “go-to place“ for the creation of shareholder value in the EV supply chain.
Rockstone Research
Rockstone Research

Rockstone is a research house specialized in the analysis and valuation of capital markets and publicly listed companies. The focus is set on exploration, development and production of resource deposits as well as marcoeconomic analysis of commodity and currency markets. Our international team of five analysts bring our German and English speaking readership a wealth of experience from the commodity markets: Stephan Bogner (mining analyst), John P. Barry (professional geologist), Chris Berry (macroeconomist), Prof. Dr. Hans Bocker (award-winning book author), and Boris Gerjovic (fundamental analyst).

Stephan Bogner

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