Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has today upgraded global airline catering and food service provider gategroup Holding AG's (gategroup) corporate family rating (CFR) to Caa1 from Caa2. Concurrently, we upgraded the company's probability of default rating (PDR) to Caa1-PD from Caa2-PD. The outlook remain...
Rating Action: Moody's changes gategroup's outlook to stable; affirms the ratings. Global Credit Research- 13 Sep 2021. NOTE: On September 14, 2021, the press release was corrected as follows: At the end of the press release, the REFERENCES/CITATIONS section was added.
Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of gategroup Holding AG. Global Credit Research- 06 Jul 2021. London, 06 July 2021-- Moody's Investors Service has completed a periodic review of the ratings of gategroup Holding AG and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit.
Announcement: Moody's appends limited default to gategroup's Caa2-PD PDR following bond maturity extension. Global Credit Research- 05 May 2021. London, 05 May 2021-- Moody's Investors Service today appended an "/ LD" designation to gategroup Holding AG's Caa2-PD probability of default rating to reflect a limited default resulting from the company executing a restructuring plan to extend the maturity of its notes to February 2027 from February 2022..
Rating Action: Moody's downgrades gategroup to Caa2; outlook negative. Global Credit Research- 10 Nov 2020. London, 10 November 2020-- Moody's Investors Service has today downgraded gategroup Holding AG's corporate family rating to Caa2 from B3 and probability of default rating to Caa2-PD from B3-PD.
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