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Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Weekly bulletin - 22 August - 26 August 2022

All local indexes finished the week on the negative territory but SOFIX 607.75 (-1.1%) dropped the most. Weekly turnover slipped by more than 50% to BGN 6.8m. compared to the average one YtD. Most of the H1 consolidated financial reports confirmed the good performance but liquidity issues and uncertainty over the war in Europe, inflation and world supply chain disruptions weighted on investors’ sentiment last week. The top weekly gainer within our universe was Stara Planina Hold (SPH, BGN 9.30, ...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 29 August 2022

The major indexes endured some intraday volatility to finish a step above their previous day close as the Fed Chair Powell’s speech followed the closing and no impact was registered on the Bulgarian stock market. SOFIX (607.75) gained 0.07% on Friday, paced higher by 5 of its members as Advance Terrafund (ATER, BGN 2.98, +2.05%) led the winners. FairPlay Properties (FPP, BGN 0.88, -7.37%) and Eurohold (EUBG, BGN 2.04, -2.86%) finished on the opposite side as the retails easily moved the prices w...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 26 August 2022

SOFIX (607.32) plunged 1.58% and closed below its 3 major MA’s as 10 out of 15 members of the index finished on red territory led by Allterco (A4L, BGN 18.75, -2.60%), Eurohold (EUBG, BGN 2.10, -2.78%) and the real estate sector, represented by Bulgaria Real Estate Fund (BREF, BGN 2.34, -2.50%) and Advance Terrafund (ATER, BGN 2.92, -2.01%). The advances of Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE, BGN 9.95, +2.80%) and Fair Play Properties (FPP, BGN 0.95, +9.20%) supported the broad indexes BGTR30 (735.94...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 21 June 2022

The indexes on Bulgarian exchange finished mixed on Monday as SOFIX (612.77) ended flat although movements were not lacking. Monbat (MONB, BGN 5.70, -1.72%) and Chimimport (CHIM, BGN 0.89, -3.26%) led the laggards and left the Bid/Ask spread wider with relatively small volumes, while Doverie United Holding (DUH, BGN 7.60) and Telelink (TBS, BGN 13.30) opposed with its 2.15% and 3.10% gains. The extended indexes BGTR30 (736.35) and BGBX40 (143.47) outperformed the benchmark by 0.14% and 0.06%, re...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Weekly bulletin - 16 May - 20 May 2022

All main indexes advanced last week despite the negative global sentiment and rising concerns about inflation and upcoming interest rate hikes. The leading local index SOFIX (618.69) increased by 3.2%, rebounding from the previous week loss, followed by the broad BGBX40 (146.38) and BGTR30 (734.92) with 2.8% and 2.4% rises respectively. BGREIT(181.64) increased more modestly, ending the week 0.6% higher. Total turnover remained unimpressive, almost 41% lower than the average from the beginning o...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 18 May 2022

The SOFIX (609.43) rose 1.45% on Tuesday as the market was supported by a positive mindset and a reprieve in growth concerns. 9 of 15 benchmark members closed higher as the financials, represented by First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 2.12, +9.84%), Chimimport (CHIM, BGN 0.926, +7.67%) and Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 1.52, +5.56%), led the gainers after significant surge. The extended indexes BGTR30 (724.25, +0.76%) and BGBX40 (144.02, +0.95%) raced less than the benchmark index as more cont...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 12 May 2022

SOFIX (608.08) rebounded by 1.26%, paced higher by 5 out of 15 members as retails became more active in deep-buying efforts. Doverie United Holding (DUH, BGN 6.96) led the gainers by 9.09% after increased buying pressure, while the representative of the tech sector - Allterco (A4L, BGN 18.70) followed by 2.75% on the ground of small trades. The extended indexes BGTR30 (720.58, +0.22%) and BGBX40 (143.37, +0.94%) underperformed the benchmark, having exposure to middle and small-caps, which remain...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Weekly bulletin - 03 May - 05 May 2022

All main indexes recorded negative result last short week, reflecting investors' fears about tightening financial conditions in the US and the slowdown of the global economy. SOFIX (605.42) decreased 2.2%, followed by BGBX40 (142.87) and BGTR30 (720.25) with 1.8% and 1.5% falls, respectively. BGREIT(180.52) was an exception and closed slightly on green pushed by Advance Terrafund (ATER, BGN 3.55, +1.1%) as investors continued to seek inflation-proof shares. 16 out of 29 names in our watchlist fi...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 5 May 2022

The main index SOFIX 602.52 (-0.14%) continued the negative trend from Tuesday as Doverie (DUH, BGN 6.16, -4.35%) and First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 2.14, -4.46%) led the losers list for a second consecutive day. Chimimport (CHIM, BGN 0.888, +2.78%), M+S Hydraulic (MSH, BGN 9.00, +1.69%), Sopharma (SFA, BGN 4.40, +0.92%) and Bulgarian Real Estate Fund (BREF, BGN 2.18, +0.93%) finished the day on positive territory but with small daily volume. The turnover remained unimpressive as investors’ fea...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 28 April 2022

All indexes finished on red territory as the investors were influenced of the news that Gazprom stopped the gas for Bulgaria. SOFIX (613.46, -2.67%) fell the most by firmly crossing the 100-day MA as only one out of fifteen members finished on the positive side – Sopharma Trading (SFA, BGN 4.54, +0.89%). The large cap names Eurohold (EUBG, BGN 2.24, -8.94%), Chimimport (CHIM, BGN 0.896, -4.68%) and Allterco (A4L, BGN 19.40, -5.37%) led the laggards as most of the names were under selling pressur...

Martin Dimitrov ... (+3)
  • Martin Dimitrov
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 7 April 2022

All local indexes slipped on Wednesday but SOFIX dropped the most to 627.01 (-1.42%). The negative sentiment pushed down Holding Varna (HVAR, BGN 42.60, -3.18%), Allterco (A4L, BGN 19.80, -2.94%), Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 1.46, -2.67%) and Doverie (DUH, BGN 8.86, -2.64%). Two SOFIX members survived on the positive territory with insignificant daily turnover – Sopharma Trading (SFT, BGN 4.93, +2.71%) and Industrial Holding Bulgaria (IHB, BGN 2.12, +0.95%). BGREIT 175.53 (-0.32%) also lo...

Martin Dimitrov ... (+3)
  • Martin Dimitrov
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 23 March 2022

Tuesday session became highly volatile but resulted in relatively flat outcomes for the main indexes as SOFIX (597.16) and BGBX40 (138.95) lost 0.15% and 0.06%, respectively, while BGTR30 (701.62) added 0.04%. First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 2.57, +6.20%) continued to lead the gainers followed by Agria Group (AGH, BGN 21.00, +3.96%), which returned to its all-time high level of BGN 21.00. Synergon Holding (SNRG, BGN 0.63, -10.00%), Alcomet (ALCM, BGN 7.00, -5.41%) and Allterco (A4L, BGN 18.40, -...

Martin Dimitrov ... (+3)
  • Martin Dimitrov
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 31 January 2022

The local indexes advanced slightly, where SOFIX added 0.45% to 614.44. The top movers within the main index were Sopharma (SFA, BGN 4.54, +2.25%) and Telelink Business Services Group (TBS, BGN 15.00, +2.04%), both of which gained ground with insignificant volume. There were no notable price declines and only Allterco (A4L, BGN 19.00, +1.06%) booked decent turnover. BGREIT slipped by 0.25%, as the decline by Bulgarian Real Estate Fund (BREF, BGN 1.99, -1.97%) outweighed the increase by Advance T...

Martin Dimitrov ... (+3)
  • Martin Dimitrov
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 28 January 2022

The local indexes advanced with regular turnover, where SOFIX added 0.13% to 611.71. The top gainer within the main index was Allterco (A4L, BGN 18.80, +3.30%), which recovered slightly after closing on red territory for several sessions. On the opposite side, the top decline was by Industrial Holding Bulgaria (IHB, 2.00, -2.91%), which lost ground on a few low-volume trades, while there were no other notable price changes. The most traded constituent was Advance Terrafund REIT (ATER, BGN 2.91, ...

Martin Dimitrov ... (+3)
  • Martin Dimitrov
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 4 January 2022

The last trading day of the year was marked in red as all indexes fell in range between -0.18% to -0.87%. SOFIX (635.68) slipped the most by 0.87% as 6 out of 15 members finished on the negative side. Sopharma (SFA, BGN 4.46, -2.62%) and Advance Terrafund (ATER, BGN 2.88, -2.04%) weighed the most on the benchmark index as aggressive sellers pushed the price down in late hours for both names. The surge of less liquid names as Korado Bulgaria (KGB, BGN 7.60, +3.40%) and Fair Play Properties (FPP, ...

Martin Dimitrov ... (+3)
  • Martin Dimitrov
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 21 December 2021

SOFIX (631.87) recorded new 3-years high by adding 1.99% on Monday. Eurohold (EUBG, BGN 2.36, +11.32%), Allterco (A4L, BGN 23.80, +4.39%) and Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 1.02, +3.03%) recovered from previous day losses, and the indexes were further supported by the real estate sector. Sopharma Trading (SFT, BGN 4.86) registered significant part of the daily turnover as the name fell to BGN 4.56 during the day, where more than 600K shares changed hands but later advanced and finished witho...

Martin Dimitrov ... (+3)
  • Martin Dimitrov
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Weekly Bulletin - 13 December - 17 December 2021

The indexes ended mixed last week as SOFIX (619.55) advanced the most by 1.0%, while BGREIT (162.79) finished on the opposite side by 0.9% slip. Industrial Holding Bulgaria (IHB, BGN 2.30, +10.6%) and Doverie United Holding (DUH, BGN 10.75, +7.0%) led the gainers in our watchlist, while Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 0.99, -3.9%) and Speedy (SPDY, BGN 113.00, -3.4%) finished on the opposite side. The weekly turnover increased almost 4-fold compared to the average YTD as both the retail and t...

Martin Dimitrov ... (+3)
  • Martin Dimitrov
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 17 December 2021

The local indexes increased with significant price volatility and turnover. SOFIX added 2.31% to 622.32, where the top movers within the index were Allterco (A4L, BGN 23.80, +8.18%), Industrial Holding Bulgaria (IHB, BGN 2.18, +4.81%), and Telelink Business Services Group (TBS, BGN 15.60, +4.00%). Other members booked significant price increases as well, while the only notable decline was by Sopharma Trading (SFT, BGN 4.80, -2.83%). The most traded constituent was Allterco, which booked a 7k sha...

Martin Dimitrov ... (+3)
  • Martin Dimitrov
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 16 December 2021

The local indexes closed in opposite directions with huge turnover, where SOFIX added 0.05% to 608.28. The top gainer within the main index was Allterco (A4L, BGN 22.00, +6.80%) which recovered with decent volume. Other top movers were Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 0.985, -4.37%), Doverie United Holding (DUH, BGN 9.72, -2.80%), and Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT (BREF, BGN 1.985, -2.22%). The most traded constituent was Eurohold Bulgaria (EUBG, BGN 2.20, 0.00%), as over 10m EUBG shares cha...

Martin Dimitrov ... (+3)
  • Martin Dimitrov
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 14 December 2021

The local indexes shrank with decent daily turnover, where SOFIX erased 0.63% to 609.48. The top movers within the main index were Allterco (A4L, BGN 21.8, -4.39%) and Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 1.00, -2.91%), while there were no notable increases. Allterco was also the most traded constituent, after it booked multiple larger trades in the morning and early afternoon. Sopharma (SFA, BGN 4.42, 0.00%), Advance Terrafund (ATER, BGN 2.90, 0.00%), and Doverie United Holding (DUH, BGN 9.86, -1...

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