Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has upgraded the ratings on the following notes issued by Dryden 52 Euro CLO 2017 DAC: ....EUR 16,000,000 Class B-1-R Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2034, Upgraded to Aaa (sf); previously on Sep 1, 2023 Upgraded to Aa1 (sf) ....EUR 20,000,000 Class B-2-R Senior S...
Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has taken a variety of rating actions on the following notes issued by Dryden 52 Euro CLO 2017 DAC: ....EUR 16,000,000 Class B-1-R Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2034, Upgraded to Aa1 (sf); previously on Jul 2, 2021 Definitive Rating Assigned Aa2 (sf) ...
Rating Action: Moody's assigns definitive ratings to eight classes of refinancing notes issued by Dryden 52 Euro CLO 2017 DAC. Global Credit Research- 02 Jul 2021. Frankfurt am Main, July 02, 2021-- Moody's Investors Service announced that it has assigned the following definitive ratings to refinancing notes issued by Dryden 52 Euro CLO 2017 DAC:.
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