Moody's Ratings (Moody's) announced today that the extension of the Citibank OMNI Master Trust, Omniseries Class 2013-B1, Class 2013-C1, Class 2013-D1, and Class 2013-E1 Notes (the "Notes") on March 6th, 2025 would not, in and of itself and as of this time, result in the downgrade or withdrawal of t...
Moody's Ratings (Moody's) announced today that the extension of the Citibank OMNI Master Trust, Omniseries Class 2018-A1 Notes on September 13, 2024 would not, in and of itself and as of this time, result in the downgrade or withdrawal of the ratings assigned to any class of outstanding notes issued...
Moody's Ratings (Moody's) announced today that the extension of the Citibank OMNI Master Trust, Omniseries Class 2014-A1 Notes on September 12, 2024 would not, in and of itself and as of this time, result in the downgrade or withdrawal of the ratings assigned to any class of outstanding notes issued...
Moody's Investors Service, ("Moody's") announced today that the extension (the Extension) of the Citibank OMNI Master Trust, Omniseries Class 2013-B1, Class 2013-C1, Class 2013-D1, and Class 2013-E1 Notes on 17 February 2023 would not, in and of itself and as of this time, result in the downgrade or...
Moody's Investors Service, ("Moody's") announced today that the extension and additional issuance of the Omniseries Class 2018-A1 notes on 21 November 2022 would not, in and of itself and as of this time, result in the downgrade or withdrawal of the ratings assigned to any class of outstanding notes...
Moody's Investors Service, ("Moody's") announced today that the extension (the Extension) of the Omniseries Class 2014-A1 notes on 15 November 2022 would not, in and of itself and as of this time, result in the downgrade or withdrawal of the ratings assigned to any class of outstanding notes issued ...
Assessment Announcement: Moody's: No rating impact on Citibank OMNI Master Trust card ABS following extension of subordinate notes. Global Credit Research- 02 Mar 2022. New York, March 02, 2022-- Moody's Investors Service announced today that the extension of the Omniseries Class 2013- B1, Class 2013- C1, Class 2013- D1, and Class 2013- E1 Notes on 2 March 2022 would not, in and of itself and as of this time, result in the downgrade or withdrawal of the ratings assigned to any class of...
Announcement: Moody's: No rating impact on Citibank OMNI Master Trust card ABS following extension of Class 2018- A1 notes. Global Credit Research- 23 Jul 2021. New York, July 23, 2021-- Moody's Investors Service, announced today that the extension of the Omniseries Class 2018- A1 on 23 July 2021 would not, in and of itself and as of this time, result in the downgrade or withdrawal of the ratings assigned to any class of outstanding notes issued by the Citibank OMNI Master Trust.
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