Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has upgraded the ratings on the following notes issued by Anchorage Credit Funding 5, Ltd.: ....US$27.5M Class C-R2 Mezzanine Secured Deferrable Fixed Rate Notes, Upgraded to Aaa (sf); previously on Mar 21, 2023 Upgraded to Aa1 (sf) ....US$25M Class D-R2 Mezzanine Secure...
Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has upgraded the ratings on the following notes issued by Anchorage Credit Funding 5, Ltd.: U.S.$63,000,000 Class B-R2 Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due 2036 (the "Class B-R2 Notes"), Upgraded to Aaa (sf); previously on August 25, 2021 Assigned Aa1 (sf) ...
Rating Action: Moody's assigns ratings to three classes of CLO refinancing notes issued by Anchorage Credit Funding 5, Ltd. and upgrades one class of outstanding notes. Global Credit Research- 25 Aug 2021. New York, August 25, 2021-- Moody's Investors Service has assigned ratings to three classes of CLO refinancing notes issued by Anchorage Credit Funding 5, Ltd..
Announcement: Moody's: No adverse rating impact on the Non-Redeemed Notes issued by Anchorage Credit Funding 5, Ltd. due to Partial Redemption by Refinancing and CMA Amendment. Global Credit Research- 24 Aug 2021. New York, August 24, 2021-- Moody's Investors Service announced today that the entry by Anchorage Credit Funding 5, Ltd. into a third supplemental indenture to effect a refinancing upon a redemption of certain Classes of Secured Notes, effective as of August 25, 2021,...
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