Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has today upgraded the ratings of the Class B and Class C notes in TDA 29, FTA, a Spanish RMBS transaction. For the Class B notes, the rating action reflects the correction of a prior error in the analysis of the swap counterparty risk, and for the Class C notes the increas...
Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") announced today that it has upgraded its ratings on seventy six Notes ("RMBS Notes") issued by forty Spanish RMBS Issuers and backed by mortgages on properties located in Spain. Moody's affirmed the ratings of the Notes that had sufficient credit enhancement to ...
Rating Action: Moody's upgrades ratings of Notes in HIPOCAT 7, FTA, HIPOCAT 8, FTA and TDA 29, FTA, Spanish RMBS transactions. Global Credit Research- 18 Feb 2022. Paris, February 18, 2022-- Moody's Investors Service has today upgraded the ratings of Notes in HIPOCAT 7, FTA, HIPOCAT 8, FTA and TDA 29, FTA.
Announcement: Moody's updates transaction assumptions upon completion of performance review of Spanish RMBS portfolio. Global Credit Research- 22 Sep 2021. Paris, September 22, 2021-- Moody's Investors Service has completed the performance review of the Spanish RMBS portfolio as a part of its ongoing surveillance efforts.
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