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Moody's Ratings has assigned ratings to three classes of CLO refinanci...

Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has assigned ratings to three classes of CLO refinancing notes (the Refinancing Notes) issued by Ocean Trails CLO IX (the Issuer):   U.S.$3,600,000 Class X Floating Rate Notes due 2038, Assigned Aaa (sf) U.S.$225,000,000 Class A-RR Floating Rate Notes due 2038, Assigned ...

Moody's assigns ratings to five classes of CLO refinancing notes issue...

Rating Action: Moody's assigns ratings to five classes of CLO refinancing notes issued by Ocean Trails CLO IX. Global Credit Research- 15 Oct 2021. New York, October 15, 2021-- Moody's Investors Service has assigned ratings to five classes of CLO refinancing notes issued by Ocean Trails CLO IX.

Ocean Trails CLO IX (Reset) Deal v1.0 Compared To CLO, SME, Other Cash...

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