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Jean-François Granjon ... (+3)
  • Jean-François Granjon
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA

HDF Energy : Results still under pressure

>H1 2024 earnings release - HDF Energy's H1 2024 results reflect the group’s continued development. On H1 revenues of € 0.5m vs € 1.43m, the net loss came to -€ 5.1m vs -€ 3m for the comparative period. The lack of EBITDA and EBIT figures is regrettable. In light of the net loss, our EBITDA and EBIT estimates could prove slightly optimistic. The cash position came to € 48m, compared to € 62.6m at end-2023, or cash burn of close to € 15m for H1 compared to € 25m for ...

Jean-François Granjon ... (+3)
  • Jean-François Granjon
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA

HDF Energy : Des résultats toujours sous pression

>Publication des résultats semestriels - HDF Energy publie des résultats semestriels qui traduisent la poursuite du développement de la société. Sur la base d’un CA S1 de 0.5 M€ vs 1.43 M€, la perte nette ressort à -5.1 M€ vs -3 M€ pour le semestre de référence. Nous regrettons l’absence de publication de l’EBITDA et du ROC. A la lecture de la perte nette, nos estimations d’EBITDA et de ROC pourraient s’avérer un peu optimistes. La trésorerie ressort à 48 M€ à compar...

Jeremy Garnier
  • Jeremy Garnier

ODDO : ODDO BHF Nextcap Forum: Feedback from day three

>Feedback from 52 companies present on day three - Our 13th edition of the ODDO BHF Nextcap Forum takes place on June 4 and 5 in Paris, and on June 6 virtually. Following the third day, which took place yesterday virtually at our Paris office with 52 companies in attendance, we publish hereafter feedback for those companies present:Aedas HomesLhyfeAfyrenMaisons Du MondeAltamirMcPhy EnergyAltriMister SpexAtresmediaNein...

Jean-François Granjon ... (+3)
  • Jean-François Granjon
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA

HDF Energy : Confirmation of the medium-term targets

>Full-year results publication - HDF Energy reported full-year results that showed losses bigger than we expected at the operating and attributable net result levels. Revenues came to € 3.9m (€ 3.5m estimated) vs € 3.4m with € 3.2m in project management assistance mainly including the contribution from the RSB project (€ 2.9m). The net loss was € 7.8m (vs -€ 3.3m the previous year), higher than we anticipated (-€ 5.9m estimated). Continuation of developme...

Jean-François Granjon ... (+3)
  • Jean-François Granjon
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA

HDF Energy : Confirmation des objectifs MT

>Publication des résultats annuels - HDF Energy publie des résultats annuels qui traduisent des pertes supérieures à nos attentes pour le RO et le RNpg Le CA ressort à 3.9 M€ (3.5 M€ estimés) vs 3.4 M€ dont 3.2 M€ d’Assistance à Maîtrise d’Ouvrage (AMO) dont principalement la contribution du projet RSB (2.9 M€). La perte nette ressort à 7.8 M€ (vs -3.3 M€ YoY) supérieure à nos attentes (-5.9 M€ estimés). Poursuite des développements et des objectifs 2027...

Jean-François Granjon ... (+3)
  • Jean-François Granjon
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA

HDF Energy : 2025 targets pushed back to 2027

>Projects need more time to be implemented - Management has confirmed the state of progress of the projects underway as well as of the investment in its fuel cell production unit. Although the company is experiencing some delays, the delivery of the new unit is expected in January 2024 (vs end-2023) and is scheduled to come into service in summer 2024. The ramp-up will be gradual and mass production could begin in 2025. Note that this project was deemed an IPCEI (Impo...

Jean-François Granjon ... (+3)
  • Jean-François Granjon
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA

HDF Energy : Décalage des objectifs 2025 à 2027

>Une mise en œuvre des projets qui nécessite plus de temps - Le management confirme l’état d’avancement des projets en cours ainsi que le déroulement de l’investissement dans son unité de production de piles à combustible. Même si la société a dû faire face à quelques retards, la livraison de la nouvelle unité est prévue pour janvier 2024 (vs fin 2023) et la mise en service est programmée à l’été 2024. Le ramp up sera progressif et la production en série pourra démarr...

James Carthew ... (+2)
  • James Carthew
  • Matthew Read

HydrogenOne Capital Growth – Sky is the limit for HGEN

The disconnect between HydrogenOne Capital Growth (HGEN)’s NAV, current and prospective track record and its share price is hard to rationalise. The recent bond rout has added insult to injury for renewable energy investors as higher rates have increased concerns around the availability and cost of financing, in addition to the added competition from money market funds, which are now providing steady returns without the associated credit and duration risks. Even so, discounts now appear to be o...

Jean-François Granjon ... (+3)
  • Jean-François Granjon
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA

HDF Energy : Limited visibility in the short and medium term

>Publication of interim results - HDF Energy has published interim results that reflect the continued structuring of the company whilst the ramp-up of the top line is proving to be slower than expected. Interim sales were € 1.4m vs € 1.7m and attributable net profit was -€ 3m (vs -€ 0.8m). The group does not report on its EBITDA or underlying operating profit. The cash position remains healthy at € 76.7m (vs € 87.3m at 30 June 2022). This interim performance was also ...

Jean-François Granjon ... (+3)
  • Jean-François Granjon
  • Louis Boujard
  • CFA

HDF Energy : Une visibilité limitée à court et moyen terme

>Publication des résultats semestriels - HDF Energy publie des résultats semestriels qui sont le reflet de la poursuite de la structuration de la société alors que le ramp up au niveau de la topline est plus lent que prévu. Le CA semestriel ressort à 1.4 M€ vs 1.7 M€ et le RNpg ressort à -3 M€ (vs -0.8 M€). La société ne communique pas les niveaux d’EBITDA et de ROC. La trésorerie de la société reste à un niveau soutenu à 76.7 M€ (vs 87.3 M€ au 30 juin 2022). Ces perf...

Andreas Riemann
  • Andreas Riemann


We are publishing our first slideshow on our Life Sciences & Chemicals macropole. Our expertise integrates many sub-sectors which have been schematically separated into pharma, medtech, biotech, healthcare services and chemicals. The objective here is to review on a quarterly basis the key points of our respective sectors, by publishing both the financial and market metrics as well as the stocks that we recommend. - ...

Andreas Riemann
  • Andreas Riemann


We are publishing our first slideshow on our Life Sciences & Chemicals macropole. Our expertise integrates many sub-sectors which have been schematically separated into pharma, medtech, biotech, healthcare services and chemicals. The objective here is to review on a quarterly basis the key points of our respective sectors, by publishing both the financial and market metrics as well as the stocks that we recommend. - ...

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