Positive resultater fører peanut-tablet videre til fase II-udvikling ALKs peanut-tablet påvist at være sikker og veltolereret på tværs af flere forskellige doserUdviklingen går nu ind i fase II, hvor dosisvalg og effekt undersøgesDe første patienter i fase II vil snart modtage deres første doser. Studiet ventes afsluttet i 2026. ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B) har i dag annonceret positive interim-resultater fra det kliniske fase I/II studie (navngivet 'ALLIANCE') med sin sublinguale tabletvaccine ('SLIT') til behandling af peanutallergi. Denne del af studiet, som involverede cirka 30 patiente...
Positive results advance peanut tablet to phase II development ALK’s peanut tablet shown to be safe and tolerable across multiple doses.Development now advances to phase II for dose finding and efficacy. First patients in phase II to receive first doses imminently. Trial expected to complete in 2026. ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B) today announced positive interim results from its phase I/II clinical trial (named ‘ALLIANCE’) for its investigational sublingual immunotherapy (‘SLIT’) tablet for the treatment of peanut allergy. This part of the trial, which involved approximately 30 patients, inv...
ACARIZAX® godkendt i Europa til behandling af yngre børn ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B) har i dag annonceret, at selskabets europæiske registreringsansøgning for ACARIZAX® (tabletvaccine mod husstøvmideallergi) hos børn i alderen fem til 11 år er blevet godkendt af sundhedsmyndighederne i 21 EU-lande via en type II variationsprocedure. De første lanceringer, blandt andet på ALK's største marked, Tyskland, forventes at finde sted over de kommende måneder. Godkendelsen er baseret på data fra det største pædiatriske fase 3 AIT-studie (MT-12) med 1.458 børn i Nordamerika og Europa. MT-12-studiet...
ACARIZAX® approved in Europe for treatment of young children ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B) today announced that its European regulatory filing for ACARIZAX® (house dust mite sublingual allergy immunotherapy tablet) in young children aged five to 11 has been approved by the health authorities in 21 EU countries via a type II variation procedure. The first market introductions, including in ALK’s largest market, Germany, are expected to follow over the coming months. The data that formed the basis for the approval includes results from the largest-ever paediatric AIT Phase 3 clinical trial, MT-...
ALK’s pivotal phase 3 trial in children published in reputable scientific journal The reputable scientific journal, The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, has published robust results from ALK’s house dust mite sublingual allergy immunotherapy tablet (SLIT-tablet) phase 3 children trial, MT-12, evaluating the efficacy and safety in children (5-11 years) with house dust mite allergic rhinitis.1 With the acceptance for publication, ALK’s MT-12 phase 3 trial has been evaluated by the journal for its methodology, relevance, and clinical implications. This scrutiny helps ensure that only hi...
Nine-month interim report (Q3) 2024 (unaudited) - English version only Company release No. 19/2024 ALK delivers 18% organic revenue growth and an operating profit margin of 23% in Q3 Revenue growth was mainly driven by a continued strong momentum in tablet sales and a recovery in Jext® sales. Europe and International markets were key contributors to growth. The operating profit improved in line with ALK’s financial ambitions, and the full-year outlook remains unchanged. Q3 performance highlights Comparative figures for Q3 2023 are shown in brackets. Revenue growth rates are st...
Nine-month interim report (Q3) 2024 (unaudited) Company release No. 19/2024 ALK delivers 18% organic revenue growth and an operating profit margin of 23% in Q3 Revenue growth was mainly driven by a continued strong momentum in tablet sales and a recovery in Jext® sales. Europe and International markets were key contributors to growth. The operating profit improved in line with ALK’s financial ambitions, and the full-year outlook remains unchanged. Q3 performance highlights Comparative figures for Q3 2023 are shown in brackets. Revenue growth rates are stated in local c...
ALK indlicenserer rettigheder til neffy®, den første godkendte næsespray med adrenalin til akut behandling af allergiske reaktioner (anafylaksi) ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B) har i dag annonceret, at selskabet har indgået en strategisk licensaftale med USA-baserede ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (”ARS Pharma”) (NASDAQ: SPRY). Aftalen giver ALK eksklusive rettigheder til neffy® adrenalin-næsesprayen globalt, bortset fra USA, Australien, New Zealand, Japan og Kina. Aftalen opfylder centrale elementer i ALK’s nye Allergy+ strategi og understøtter ALK’s langsigtede finansielle ambitioner. Nålefri a...
ALK licenses rights to neffy®, the first approved adrenaline nasal spray for emergency treatment of allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B) today announced that it has entered into a strategic license agreement with US-based ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (“ARS Pharma”, NASDAQ: SPRY). The agreement grants ALK exclusive global rights to the neffy® adrenaline (epinephrine) nasal spray, with exception of the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and China. The deal delivers on key elements in ALK’s new strategy Allergy+ and supports ALK’s long-term financial ambitions. Need...
Invitation til præsentation af ALK’s regnskab for de første ni måneder (Q3) 2024 torsdag den 14. november 2024 ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) offentliggør delårsrapport for de første ni måneder (Q3) af 2024 om morgenen torsdag den 14. november 2024. ALK afholder senere samme dag kl. 13.30 (CET) en præsentation for investorer og analytikere, hvor ledelsen kommenterer på resultat og forventninger samt besvarer spørgsmål. ALK vil være repræsenteret ved Peter Halling, Adm. direktør, Claus Steensen Sølje, Finansdirektør og Per Plotnikof, IR chef. Live audio webcast Mødet audiocastes live...
Invitation to the presentation of ALK’s results for the first nine months (Q3) 2024 on Thursday 14 November 2024 ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) will publish its results for the first nine months (Q3) 2024 in the morning of Thursday 14 November 2024. Later same day, the company will host a presentation for investors and analysts at 1:30 p.m. CET, where ALK’s management will comment on the results for the first nine months and outlook and be available for questions. ALK will be represented by Peter Halling, President & CEO, Claus Steensen Sølje, CFO and Per Plotnikof, VP, Head of IR...
Indberetning af ledelsens transaktioner med ALK-Abelló A/S' B-aktier og tilknyttede værdipapirer ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF): I henhold til artikel 19 i EU forordning nr. 596/2014 af 16. april 2014 om markedsmisbrug (markedsmisbrugsforordningen), følger hermed indberetning af ledende medarbejderes transaktioner som beskrevet i vedhæftede meddelelse. ALK-Abelló A/S For yderligere oplysninger kontakt venligst:Investor Relations: Per Plotnikof, tlf. 4574 7527, mobil 2261 2525Media: Maiken Riise Andersen, tlf. 5054 1434 Vedhæftet fil
Report on transactions with ALK-Abelló A/S B-shares and associated securities by managerial staff ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF): In accordance with article 19 in Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (the Market Abuse Regulation), ALK-Abelló A/S shall report the following transactions by managerial staff as set forth in the attached announcement. ALK-Abelló A/S For further information please contact:Investor Relations: Per Plotnikof, tel. , mobile Media: Maiken Riise Andersen, tel. Attachment
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