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Indberetning af ledelsens transaktioner med ALK-Abelló A/S' B-aktier o...

Indberetning af ledelsens transaktioner med ALK-Abelló A/S' B-aktier og tilknyttede værdipapirer ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF): I henhold til artikel 19 i EU forordning nr. 596/2014 af 16. april 2014 om markedsmisbrug (markedsmisbrugsforordningen), følger hermed indberetning af ledende medarbejderes transaktioner som beskrevet i vedhæftede meddelelse. ALK-Abelló A/S For yderligere oplysninger kontakt venligst:Investor Relations: Per Plotnikof, tlf. 4574 7527, mobil 2261 2525Media: Maiken Riise Andersen, tlf. 5054 1434 Vedhæftet fil


Report on transactions with ALK-Abelló A/S B-shares and associated sec...

Report on transactions with ALK-Abelló A/S B-shares and associated securities by managerial staff ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF): In accordance with article 19 in Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (the Market Abuse Regulation), ALK-Abelló A/S shall report the following transactions by managerial staff as set forth in the attached announcement. ALK-Abelló A/S For further information please contact:Investor Relations: Per Plotnikof, tel. , mobile Media: Maiken Riise Andersen, tel. Attachment

ABGSC Healthcare Research ... (+3)
  • ABGSC Healthcare Research
  • Morten Larsen
  • Peter Sehested
ABGSC Healthcare Research ... (+3)
  • ABGSC Healthcare Research
  • Morten Larsen
  • Peter Sehested

Six-month interim report (Q2) 2024 - English version only

Six-month interim report (Q2) 2024 - English version only Company release No. 16/2024 ALK delivers 21% organic revenue growth with an operating profit margin of 19% in Q2 (unaudited) Revenue growth was driven by a continued strong momentum in tablet sales, and improved performance of injection- and drop-based allergy immunotherapy products. ALK’s European and International markets were key contributors to growth. The increase in operating profit (EBIT) of 189% is in-line with ALK’s financial targets. Full-year outlook has been upgraded. Q2 performance highlights Comparative figures...


Six-month interim report (Q2) 2024

Six-month interim report (Q2) 2024 Company release No. 16/2024 ALK delivers 21% organic revenue growth with an operating profit margin of 19% in Q2 (unaudited) Revenue growth was driven by a continued strong momentum in tablet sales, and improved performance of injection- and drop-based allergy immunotherapy products. ALK’s European and International markets were key contributors to growth. The increase in operating profit (EBIT) of 189% is in-line with ALK’s financial targets. Full-year outlook has been upgraded. Q2 performance highlights Comparative figures for Q2 2023 are shown ...


ALK opjusterer forventningerne til omsætning og indtjening i 2024

ALK opjusterer forventningerne til omsætning og indtjening i 2024 ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) har i dag annonceret, at forventningerne til helåret er blevet opjusteret for at reflektere den aktuelle udvikling og udsigterne for resten af året. Omsætningen forventes nu at vokse med 14-16% i lokale valutaer (tidligere: 12-15%).EBIT-marginen forventes nu at stige til 19-21% (tidligere: 18-20%) ift. 14% i 2023. Forventningerne til omsætningen for helåret opjusteres primært som følge af det stærke salg af tabletter og SCIT/SLIT-dråber i Europa. Salgsvæksten i 2024 i Europa er ...


ALK upgrades its full-year revenue and earnings outlook

ALK upgrades its full-year revenue and earnings outlook ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) today announced that the full-year financial outlook has been upgraded to reflect the current performance and outlook for the remainder of the year. Revenue is now expected to grow by 14-16% in local currencies (prev.: 12-15%).The EBIT margin is now expected to improve to 19-21% (prev.: 18-20%) vs. 14% in 2023. The full-year revenue outlook has been upgraded primarily to reflect the strong sales of tablets and injection- and drop-based allergy immunotherapy products (SCIT/SLIT-drops) achie...

ABGSC Healthcare Research ... (+3)
  • ABGSC Healthcare Research
  • Morten Larsen
  • Peter Sehested

Invitation til præsentation af ALK’s regnskab for første halvår (Q2) 2...

Invitation til præsentation af ALK’s regnskab for første halvår (Q2) 2024 fredag den 23. august 2024 ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) offentliggør delårsrapport for første halvår (Q2) af 2024 om morgenen fredag den 23. august 2024. ALK afholder senere samme dag kl. 13.30 (CEST) en præsentation for investorer og analytikere, hvor ledelsen kommenterer på resultat og forventninger samt besvarer spørgsmål. ALK vil være repræsenteret ved Peter Halling, Adm. direktør, Claus Steensen Sølje, Finansdirektør og Per Plotnikof, IR chef. Live audio webcast Mødet audiocastes live på , hvor ...


Invitation to the presentation of ALK’s results for the first six mont...

Invitation to the presentation of ALK’s results for the first six months (Q2) 2024 on Friday 23 August 2024 ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) will publish its results for the first six months (Q2) 2024 in the morning of 23 August 2024. Later same day, the company will host a presentation for investors and analysts at 1:30 p.m. CEST, where ALK’s management will comment on the results for the first six months and outlook and be available for questions. ALK will be represented by Peter Halling, President & CEO, Claus Steensen Sølje, CFO and Per Plotnikof, VP, Head of IR. Live audio w...

ABGSC Healthcare Research ... (+3)
  • ABGSC Healthcare Research
  • Morten Larsen
  • Peter Sehested

Minor revisions after upgrade, China stumble

Withdraws Chinese marketing application. FY'24 growth raised by 2pp. Margin upped by 1pp. 10% forecast unchanged. 25% margin still not trivial.


ALK opjusterer forventningerne til omsætning og indtjening i 2024

ALK opjusterer forventningerne til omsætning og indtjening i 2024 ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) har i dag annonceret, at forventningerne til helåret er blevet opjusteret som følge af bedre end forventet salgsudvikling i andet kvartal og forbedrede udsigter for resten af året. Omsætningen forventes nu at vokse med 12-15% i lokale valutaer (tidligere: 10-13%).EBIT-marginen forventes nu at stige til 18-20% (tidligere: 17-19%) ift. 14% i 2023. Forventningerne til omsætningen for helåret opjusteres primært som følge af et fortsat stærkt momentum i tabletsalget, bedre udvikling i salget af...


ALK upgrades its full-year revenue and earnings outlook

ALK upgrades its full-year revenue and earnings outlook ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) today announced that the full-year financial outlook has been upgraded to reflect better than expected sales performance in Q2 and an improved outlook for the remainder of the year. Revenue is now expected to grow by 12-15% in local currencies (prev.: 10-13%).The EBIT margin is now expected to improve to 18-20% (prev.: 17-19%) vs. 14% in 2023. The full-year revenue outlook has been upgraded primarily to reflect a continued strong momentum in tablet sales, improved performance for injection- and dr...


ALK provides update on regulatory process for the house dust mite alle...

ALK provides update on regulatory process for the house dust mite allergy tablet in China ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) today announced that it has decided to withdraw the Biologic License Application (‘BLA’) for its house dust mite (‘HDM’) sublingual allergy immunotherapy tablet in China. ALK will continue to work with the authorities to obtain regulatory approval of the HDM tablet in China, which may involve establishing additional clinical data in Chinese patients.   The delay in the regulatory approval process does not impact ALK’s financial guidance for 2024, or its ability to re...

ABGSC Healthcare Research ... (+3)
  • ABGSC Healthcare Research
  • Morten Larsen
  • Peter Sehested

ALK launches new growth strategy and 2028 financial ambitions

ALK launches new growth strategy and 2028 financial ambitions ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) today announced that the Board of Directors has adopted a new corporate strategy (Allergy+) and 2028 financial ambitions. Allergy+ aims to further strengthen ALK’s leadership in allergy immunotherapy, establishing a leading position in food allergy and anaphylaxis, as well as pursuing new innovations to address adjacent allergic conditions with high unmet needs. The strategy targets average revenue growth of minimum 10% in local currencies (5-year CAGR) until 20281. The respiratory SLIT-ta...


ALK presents positive phase 3 paediatric trial data offering new hope ...

ALK presents positive phase 3 paediatric trial data offering new hope for children with respiratory allergies At the Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) which took part in Valencia in Spain from 31 May to 3 June 2024, the Danish pharmaceutical company ALK presented new data from two paediatric phase 3 clinical trials evaluating SQ sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) tablets in house dust mite (HDM) and tree pollen respiratory allergy. ALK contributed with a total of 18 scientific abstracts within the EAACI 2024 scientific programme – this incl...


ALK’s European registration application for ITULAZAX® for paediatric i...

ALK’s European registration application for ITULAZAX® for paediatric indication accepted for review ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) today announced that the European regulatory filing for ITULAZAX® (tree sublingual allergy immunotherapy (SLIT) tablet) in young children has been accepted for review by the relevant health authorities. The European regulatory review process is anticipated to take up to nine months so that, subject to approval, the first market introductions in Europe could take place from the first half of 2025. The data used in the European filing include results from a s...


Listen in on ALK’s Capital Markets Day on 4 June 2024

Listen in on ALK’s Capital Markets Day on 4 June 2024 ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKBLF) will host a Capital Markets Day on 4 June at 13.00-17.00. We cordially invite investors, analysts, and other interested stakeholders to listen in on our Capital Markets Day 2024, where we will share highlights from our strategy review and elaborate on key priorities and value drivers. During the day, members of ALK’s Leadership team will cover a number of topics including global leadership in respiratory allergy, key markets and growth drivers, R&D, and ALK’s manufacturing processes and capabilities. ...

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