Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has downgraded the rating on the following notes issued by Halcyon Loan Advisors Funding 2015-1 Ltd.: U.S.$30,000,000 Class D Mezzanine Secured Deferrable Floating Rate Notes due 2027 (the "Class D Notes") (current outstanding balance of $8,875,024.94), Downgraded to B2 (...
Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has upgraded the rating on the following notes issued by Halcyon Loan Advisors Funding 2015-1 Ltd.: U.S.$30,000,000 Class D Mezzanine Secured Deferrable Floating Rate Notes due April 20 2027, Upgraded to Baa3 (sf); previously on July 31, 2020 Downgraded to Ba...
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