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Interim consolidated financial statement of Grigeo Group AB covering 6...

Interim consolidated financial statement of Grigeo Group AB covering 6 months of 2024 Over 6 months of 2024, Grigeo Group AB company group (hereinafter – the Group), consisting of Grigeo Group AB, Grigeo Packaging UAB, Grigeo Baltwood UAB, Grigeo Klaipėda AB, Mena Pak AT, Grigeo Recycling UAB, Grigeo Recycling SIA, Grigeo Paper Packaging UAB, Grigeo Tissue UAB, Grigeo Hygiene UAB, Grigeo Tissue sp. z o.o and Energia Cieplna Niedomice sp. z o.o achieved the consolidated sales turnover of EUR 104.3 million. It is by EUR 1.1 million more than over respective period of 2023. Over the report...


AB „Grigeo Group” transfers shares of UAB „Grigeo Tissue” to UAB „Grig...

AB „Grigeo Group” transfers shares of UAB „Grigeo Tissue” to UAB „Grigeo Hygiene” On 20th August 2024, the Board of AB „Grigeo Group” adopted a decision to transfer 100 percent of UAB „Grigeo Tissue” shares to UAB „Grigeo Hygiene”, which sole owner is AB „Grigeo Group” itself. After this transaction, AB „Grigeo Group” will remain the owner of 100% of the shares of UAB „Grigeo Hygiene”. This share purchase transaction is one of the planned steps towards ensuring a more efficient management of the activities of the companies owned by AB „Grigeo Group”. Securities (share) sale and purchase agr...


AB „Grigeo Group“ perduoda UAB „Grigeo Tissue“ akcijas UAB “Grigeo Hyg...

AB „Grigeo Group“ perduoda UAB „Grigeo Tissue“ akcijas UAB “Grigeo Hygiene” AB „Grigeo Group“ valdyba 2024 m. rugpjūčio 20 d. priėmė sprendimą perleisti 100 proc. UAB „Grigeo Tissue“ akcijų UAB „Grigeo Hygiene“, kurios 100% valdo pati AB “Grigeo Group”. Po šio sandorio AB “Grigeo Group” ir toliau valdys 100% UAB „Grigeo Hygiene“ akcijų. Šis vertybinių popierių (akcijų) perleidimo sandoris yra vienas iš suplanuotų žingsnių siekiant efektyvesnio AB „Grigeo Group“ valdomų įmonių veiklos valdymo. Vertybinių popierių pirkimo-pardavimo sutartis bus pasirašyta artimiausiomis dienomis, apie jos pas...


AB „Grigeo Group“ plans to take over the management of UAB „Grigeo Rec...

AB „Grigeo Group“ plans to take over the management of UAB „Grigeo Recycling“ On 19th June 2024, the Board of AB „Grigeo Group” adopted a decision to acquire 50 percent of UAB „Grigeo Recycling” shares from UAB „Grigeo Paper Packaging”. Up to now, UAB „Grigeo Recycling” shareholders with a 50 percent shareholding each were AB „Grigeo Group” and UAB „Grigeo Paper Packaging”. Following the signing of the securities (share) sale and purchase agreement, AB „Grigeo Group” will be sole shareholder of UAB „Grigeo Recycling”. This planned share purchase transaction is one of the steps towards ensu...


AB „Grigeo Group“ planuoja perimti UAB „Grigeo Recycling“ akcijų valdy...

AB „Grigeo Group“ planuoja perimti UAB „Grigeo Recycling“ akcijų valdymą AB „Grigeo Group“ valdyba 2024 m. birželio 19 d. priėmė sprendimą įsigyti 50 proc. UAB „Grigeo Recycling“ akcijų iš UAB „Grigeo Paper Packaging“. Iki šiol UAB „Grigeo“ Recycling“ akcininkėmis, valdžiusiomis po 50 proc. akcijų buvo AB „Grigeo Group“ ir UAB „Grigeo Paper Packaging“. Pasirašius vertybinių popierių (akcijų) pirkimo-pardavimo sutartį AB „Grigeo Group“ bus vienintelis UAB „Grigeo Recycling“ akcininkas. Šis planuojamas sudaryti vertybinių popierių (akcijų) pirkimo-pardavimo sandoris yra vienas iš žingsni...

AB Grigeo: 1 director

A director at AB Grigeo bought 660,572 shares at 1.099EUR and the significance rating of the trade was 67/100. Is that information sufficient for you to make an investment decision? This report gives details of those trades and adds context and analysis to them such that you can judge whether these trading decisions are ones worth following. Included in the report is a detailed share price chart which plots discretionary trades by all the company's directors over the last two years clearly sho...


Notification on transactions concluded by a person associated to a man...

Notification on transactions concluded by a person associated to a management body of Grigeo Group AB Grigeo Group AB has received notifications on transactions in issuer's securities concluded by a legal entity associated to a management body of Grigeo Group AB (see attachments). Tomas JozonisChief Executive Officer 1 Attachment


Pranešimas apie su AB „Grigeo Group“ valdymo organo nariu susijusio as...

Pranešimas apie su AB „Grigeo Group“ valdymo organo nariu susijusio asmens sandorius AB „Grigeo Group“ gavo pranešimus apie su valdymo organo nariu susijusio juridinio asmens sandorius emitento vertybiniais popieriais (žr. priedus). Tomas JozonisGrupės vadovas 1 Priedas


New member of the Board has been elected at AB „Grigeo Group”

New member of the Board has been elected at AB „Grigeo Group” AB „Grigeo Group” (hereinafter – the Company) informs that on 29th May 2024 the Supervisory Board of the Company has revoked Martynas Nenėnas from his position as a member of the Board. As of 30th May 2024, Robertas Krutikovas has been appointed as a new member of the Board. R. Krutikovas has been working and holding managerial positions in the companies managed by AB „Grigeo Group” since January 2008. Tomas JozonisChief Executive Officer 1


Interim consolidated financial statement of Grigeo AB covering 3 month...

Interim consolidated financial statement of Grigeo AB covering 3 months of 2024 Over 3 months of 2024, Grigeo AB (the official name is currently being changed to AB “Grigeo Group”) company group (hereinafter – the Group), consisting of Grigeo AB, Grigeo Packaging UAB, Grigeo Baltwood UAB, Grigeo Klaipėda AB, Mena Pak AT, Grigeo Recycling UAB, Grigeo Recycling SIA, Grigeo Paper Packaging UAB, Grigeo Tissue UAB, Grigeo Hygiene UAB, Niedomickie Zakłady Papiernicze sp. z o.o and Energia Cieplna Niedomice sp. z o.o achieved the consolidated sales turnover of EUR 48.7 million. It is by EUR 5.4 mi...


AB „Grigeo“ 2024 metų 3 mėnesių tarpinės konsoliduotos finansinės atas...

AB „Grigeo“ 2024 metų 3 mėnesių tarpinės konsoliduotos finansinės ataskaitos AB „Grigeo“ 2024 metų 3 mėnesių tarpinės konsoliduotos finansinės ataskaitos AB „Grigeo“ (šiuo metu oficialus pavadinimas keičiamas į AB „Grigeo Group“) įmonių grupė (toliau – Grupė), kurią sudaro AB „Grigeo“, UAB „Grigeo Packaging“, UAB „Grigeo Baltwood“, AB „Grigeo Klaipėda“, AT „Mena Pak“, UAB „Grigeo Recycling“, SIA „Grigeo Recycling“, UAB „Grigeo Paper Packaging“, UAB „Grigeo Tissue“, UAB „Grigeo Hygiene“, Niedomickie Zakłady Papiernicze sp. z o.o bei Energia Cieplna Niedomice sp. z o.o per 2024 m. 3 mėnes...


AB “Grigeo” transferred the tissue paper business to its subsidiary

AB “Grigeo” transferred the tissue paper business to its subsidiary AB “Grigeo” (the official name is currently being changed to AB “Grigeo Group”, hereinafter – the Company) has implemented structural changes of Grigeo group of companies. On 30 April 2024 the Company has transferred the tissue paper business to 100% owned subsidiary UAB “Grigeo Tissue”, legal entity code 306639125, address Vilniaus g. 10, Grigiškės, Vilnius City Municipality, the Republic of Lithuania, data about the company is collected and stored with the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania (hereina...


AB „Grigeo“ perleido higieninio popieriaus verslą dukterinei bendrovei

AB „Grigeo“ perleido higieninio popieriaus verslą dukterinei bendrovei AB „Grigeo“ (šiuo metu oficialus pavadinimas keičiamas į AB „Grigeo Group“, toliau – Bendrovė) įgyvendino  Grigeo įmonių grupės struktūros pokyčius. 2024 m. balandžio 30 d. Bendrovė perleido higieninio popieriaus verslą 100 proc. valdomai dukterinei bendrovei UAB „Grigeo Tissue“, juridinio asmens kodas 306639125, adresas Vilniaus g. 10, Grigiškės, Vilniaus m. sav., Lietuvos Respublika, duomenys apie bendrovę kaupiami ir saugomi Lietuvos Respublikos juridinių asmenų registre (toliau – Grigeo Tissue). Higieninio popie...


Dividend payment ex-date

Dividend payment ex-date The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Grigeo AB (trading code GRG1L, ISIN code LT0000102030, hereinafter - the Company) was held on 26th April 2024. The rights accounting day of the shareholders of the General Meeting of Shareholders is 13th May 2024. The proprietary rights will be held by the persons who, at the close of the tenth working day after the General Meeting of Shareholders which adopted the appropriate decision, i.e. on 13th May 2024, will be the shareholders of the Company.  Proceeding from the above, the ex-date is 10th May 2024. From that date...


Annual financial statements approved by the General Meeting of Shareho...

Annual financial statements approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders of Grigeo AB on 26th April 2024 The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Grigeo AB (hereinafter – the Company) was held on 26th April 2024. The meeting has approved the audited consolidated and separate financial statements of the Company for the year 2023, presented together with the consolidated annual report. There were no changes in audited financial results compared to interim consolidated report for 12 months of 2023, which was announced on 22 February 2024. The financial statements are atta...


AB „Grigeo“ visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo 2024 m. balandžio 26 d. p...

AB „Grigeo“ visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo 2024 m. balandžio 26 d. patvirtintos finansinės ataskaitos 2024 m. balandžio 26 d. įvyko AB „Grigeo“ (toliau – Bendrovė) eilinis visuotinis akcininkų susirinkimas. Susirinkimas patvirtino Bendrovės 2023 m. audituotas konsoliduotas ir atskiras finansines ataskaitas, pateikiamas kartu su konsoliduotu metiniu pranešimu. Lyginant su 2024 m. vasario 22 d. skelbtomis tarpinėmis 2023 m. 12 mėnesių finansinėmis ataskaitomis pokyčių audituotuose finansiniuose rezultatuose nebuvo. Finansinės ataskaitos pateikiamos priede. Atkreipiame ...


Decisions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Grigeo AB

Decisions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Grigeo AB The Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Grigeo AB (hereinafter – the Company), was held on 26th of April 2024. The Annual General Meeting of shareholders of the Company was attended by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, the members of the Board and the employees of the Company, who were able to provide information relating to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders. The Annual General Meeting of shareholders adopted the following decisions: To assent to the Company's Remuneratio...


AB „Grigeo“ eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo sprendimai

AB „Grigeo“ eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo sprendimai 2024 m. balandžio 26 d. įvyko AB „Grigeo“ (toliau – Bendrovė) eilinis visuotinis akcininkų susirinkimas. Bendrovės eiliniame akcininkų susirinkime dalyvavo Bendrovės generalinis direktorius, valdybos nariai bei Bendrovės darbuotojai, galintys pateikti informaciją, susijusią su visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo darbotvarke. Bendrovės eilinis visuotinis akcininkų susirinkimas priėmė šiuos sprendimus: Pritarti Bendrovės atlygio ataskaitai, kuri pateikiama kaip Bendrovės 2023 m. konsoliduotojo metinio pranešimo dalis.Pa...


New member of the Board has been elected at Grigeo AB

New member of the Board has been elected at Grigeo AB AB Grigeo (the "Company") informs that Algimantas Variakojis will cease to be an independent member of the Management Board as of 3rd April 2024 by mutual consent. Martynas Nenėnas has been appointed as a new member of the Management Board as of 4th April 2024. From November 2020 Mr. Nenėnas has taken up the position of Finance Director of the Company. Tomas Jozonis Chief Executive Officer 1


Grigeo AB plans to become Grigeo Group AB

Grigeo AB plans to become Grigeo Group AB As announced in the  of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Grigeo AB (hereinafter – the Company) to be held on 26 April 2024 and in the submitted , the Board of Directors of the Company proposes to change the name of the Company to Grigeo Group AB. Further details of this planned change are set out in the attached press release. Tomas JozonisChief Executive Officer 1 Attachment

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