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Unaudited financial report for the second quarter and 6 months of 2024

Unaudited financial report for the second quarter and 6 months of 2024 The main business activity of Trigon Property Development AS is real estate development. As at 30.06.2024, AS Trigon Property Development owned one development project with an area of 14.2 hectares in the City of Pärnu, Estonia. A commercial, industrial and logistics park is planned on this area. The Company’s objective is to find companies willing to bring their business activities (industry, logistics) to the development project area of AS Trigon Property Development in Pärnu, which would add value to the land plots ow...


Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 26 June...

Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 26 June 2024 The annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development (registry code: 10106774; hereinafter the “Company”) was held on 26 June 2024 in Tallinn, Pärnu mnt 18. The annual general meeting started at 10:00. 2,570,164 votes represented by the shares of the Company, i.e. 57,127% of all the votes represented by the shares of the Company, participated at the meeting. Therefore, the annual general meeting was competent to pass resolutions regarding the items on the agenda. Resolutions of the annu...


Aktsionäride 26. juuni 2024. a korralise üldkoosoleku otsused

Aktsionäride 26. juuni 2024. a korralise üldkoosoleku otsused AS Trigon Property Development (registrikood 10106774; edaspidi „Aktsiaselts“) aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek toimus 26. juunil 2024.a. Tallinnas, Pärnu mnt 18. Üldkoosolek algas kell 10:00. Üldkoosolekul oli aktsiatega esindatud 2 570 164 häält, mis moodustab 57,127% kõigist Aktsiaseltsi aktsiatega esindatud häältest. Üldkoosolek oli pädev võtma vastu otsuseid päevakorras olnud küsimustes. Üldkoosoleku otsused:           1.     Aktsiaseltsi 2023. a majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine Kinnitada Aktsiaseltsi juhatuse poolt k...


Prolongation of term of office of the member of the management board o...

Prolongation of term of office of the member of the management board of AS Trigon Property Development Due to the expiry of the term of office of the member of the management board of AS Trigon Property Development, Rando Tomingas, the supervisory board of AS Trigon Property Development decided to prolong the term of office of Rando Tomingas for an additional three-year term until 4 June 2027. The management board of AS Trigon Property Development will continue to consist of one member. Rando TomingasAS Trigon Property DevelopmentMember of the management boardPhone: +372 667 9200E-m...


AS Trigon Property Development juhatuse liikme volituste pikendamine

AS Trigon Property Development juhatuse liikme volituste pikendamine Seoses AS Trigon Property Development juhatuse liikme, Rando Tomingase, volituste lõppemisega otsustas AS Trigon Property Development nõukogu pikendada Rando Tomingas volitusi kolmeks aastaks kuni 04.06.2027. AS Trigon Property Development juhatus jätkab ühe liikmelisena. Rando TomingasAS Trigon Property DevelopmentJuhatuse liigeTelefon: E-post: 


Notice of calling the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Tri...

Notice of calling the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development AS Trigon Property Development (registry code 10106774, address Pärnu mnt 18, Tallinn 10141, hereinafter the „Company“) calls the annual general meeting of Company’s shareholders, which shall be held at 10:00 on 26 June 2024 (here and hereafter Estonian time, GMT+3) at the Company’s office, at Pärnu mnt 18, Tallinn, 10141, IV floor. Registration for the meeting starts at 09:00 on the date of the meeting. Agenda of the meeting and the Management Board proposals for the draft resolutions to be ad...


Unaudited financial report for the first quarter of 2024

Unaudited financial report for the first quarter of 2024 The main business activity of Trigon Property Development AS is real estate development. As at 31.03.2024, AS Trigon Property Development owned one development project with an area of 12.8 hectares in the City of Pärnu, Estonia. A commercial, industrial and logistics park is planned on this area. The Company’s objective is to find companies willing to bring their business activities (industry, logistics) to the development project area of AS Trigon Property Development in Pärnu, which would add value to the land plots owned by the Com...


2024. aasta I kvartali auditeerimata majandustulemused

2024. aasta I kvartali auditeerimata majandustulemused Trigon Property Development AS tegeleb kinnisvaraarendusega. 31.03.2024 seisuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte arendusprojekti, milleks on 12,8 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Eestis. Alale on planeeritud luua äri-, tööstus- ja logistikapark. Ettevõtte eesmärk on leida huvitatud ettevõtteid, kes sooviksid tuua oma äritegevuse (tootmine, logistika) Trigon Property Development AS arendusprojekti alale Pärnus, mis võimaldaks Ettevõttel lisada väärtust enda omandis olevatele kruntidele. Kuna ettevõtte peamine eesmärk on olem...


Audited annual report of Trigon Property Development AS for 2023

Audited annual report of Trigon Property Development AS for 2023 The supervisory board of Trigon Property Development AS approved on 26th of April 2024 the audited annual report and profit allocation proposal for the year 2023. The supervisory board decided to present the annual report and profit allocation proposal as prepared by the management for the approval of the general meeting of shareholders. The revenues and profits remained unchanged compared to the preliminary disclosure on 28 February 2024. The original audited Annual Report 2023 document is submitted in machine-readable .x...


AS Trigon Property Development 2023. aasta auditeeritud majandusaasta ...

AS Trigon Property Development 2023. aasta auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne AS Trigon Property Development nõukogu kiitis 26.04.2024 heaks 2023. aasta auditeeritud majandusaasta aruande koos kasumi jaotamise ettepanekuga. Nõukogu otsustas juhatuse poolt ette valmistatud aruande ja ettepaneku kasumi jaotamise kohta saata kinnitamiseks aktsionäride korralisele üldkoosolekule juhatuse poolt esitatud kujul. Ettevõtte müügitulu ning kasuminäitajad võrreldes 28. veebruaril 2024 avaldatud esialgsete tulemustega ei muutunud. AS Trigon Property Development 2023. majandusaasta auditeeritud aruand...


Unaudited financial report for the fourth quarter and 12 months of 202...

Unaudited financial report for the fourth quarter and 12 months of 2023 The main business activity of Trigon Property Development AS is real estate development. As at 31.12.2023, AS Trigon Property Development owned one development project with an area of 12.8 hectares in the City of Pärnu, Estonia. A commercial, industrial and logistics park is planned on this area. The Company’s objective is to find companies willing to bring their business activities (industry, logistics) to the development project area of AS Trigon Property Development in Pärnu, which would add value to the land plots o...


2023. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused

2023. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused Trigon Property Development AS tegeleb kinnisvaraarendusega. 31.12.2023 seisuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte arendusprojekti, milleks on 12,8 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Eestis. Alale on planeeritud luua äri-, tööstus- ja logistikapark. Ettevõtte eesmärk on leida huvitatud ettevõtteid, kes sooviksid tuua oma äritegevuse (tootmine, logistika) Trigon Property Development AS arendusprojekti alale Pärnus, mis võimaldaks Ettevõttel lisada väärtust enda omandis olevatele kruntidele. Kuna ettevõtte peamine eesm...


Unaudited financial report for the third quarter and 9 months of 2023

Unaudited financial report for the third quarter and 9 months of 2023 The main business activity of Trigon Property Development AS is real estate development. As at 30.09.2023, AS Trigon Property Development owned one development project with an area of 12.8 hectares in the City of Pärnu, Estonia. A commercial, industrial and logistics park is planned on this area. The Company’s objective is to find companies willing to bring their business activities (industry, logistics) to the development project area of AS Trigon Property Development in Pärnu, which would add value to the land plots own...


2023. aasta III kvartali ja 9 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused

2023. aasta III kvartali ja 9 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused Trigon Property Development AS tegeleb kinnisvaraarendusega. 30.09.2023 seisuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte arendusprojekti, milleks on 12,8 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Eestis. Alale on planeeritud luua äri-, tööstus- ja logistikapark. Ettevõtte eesmärk on leida huvitatud ettevõtteid, kes sooviksid tuua oma äritegevuse (tootmine, logistika) Trigon Property Development AS arendusprojekti alale Pärnus, mis võimaldaks Ettevõttel lisada väärtust enda omandis olevatele kruntidele. Kuna ettevõtte peamine eesm...


Unaudited financial report for the second quarter and 6 months of 2023

Unaudited financial report for the second quarter and 6 months of 2023 The main business activity of Trigon Property Development AS is real estate development. As at 30.06.2023, AS Trigon Property Development owned one development project with an area of 12.8 hectares in the City of Pärnu, Estonia. A commercial, industrial and logistics park is planned on this area. The Company’s objective is to find companies willing to bring their business activities (industry, logistics) to the development project area of AS Trigon Property Development in Pärnu, which would add value to the land plots ow...


2023. aasta II kvartali ja 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused

2023. aasta II kvartali ja 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused Trigon Property Development AS tegeleb kinnisvaraarendusega. 30.06.2023 seisuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte arendusprojekti, milleks on 12,8 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Eestis. Alale on planeeritud luua äri-, tööstus- ja logistikapark. Ettevõtte eesmärk on leida huvitatud ettevõtteid, kes sooviksid tuua oma äritegevuse (tootmine, logistika) Trigon Property Development AS arendusprojekti alale Pärnus, mis võimaldaks Ettevõttel lisada väärtust enda omandis olevatele kruntidele. Kuna ettevõtte peamine eesmä...


Muudatused AS Trigon Property Development nõukogus

Muudatused AS Trigon Property Development nõukogus AS Trigon Property Development üldkoosoleks otsustas valida uueks nõukogu liikmeks Aivar Kempi volitustega alates 21.06.2023 järgmiseks viieks (5) aastaks, kes asendab Alo Leppa (surnud). AS Trigon Property Development nõukogu jätkab kolmeliikmelisena: Joakim Johan Helenius (esimees), Torfinn Losvik ja Aivar Kempi. Aivar Kempi (sünniaeg 24.09.1958) on omandanud Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis tööstustsiviilehituse inseneri kraadi ning on kinnisvaravaldkonnas tegelenud üle 30 aasta. Muuhulgas on ta olnud AS-is Merko Ehitus arendusdivisjoni direkt...


Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 21 June...

Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 21 June 2023 The annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development (registry code: 10106774; hereinafter the “Company”) was held on 21 June 2023 in Tallinn, Pärnu mnt 18. The annual general meeting started at 10:00. 2,569,152 votes represented by the shares of the Company, i.e. 57,10% of all the votes represented by the shares of the Company, participated at the meeting. Therefore, the annual general meeting was competent to pass resolutions regarding the items on the agenda. Resolutions of the annua...


Aktsionäride 21. juuni 2023. a korralise üldkoosoleku otsused

Aktsionäride 21. juuni 2023. a korralise üldkoosoleku otsused AS Trigon Property Development (registrikood 10106774; edaspidi „Aktsiaselts“) aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek toimus 21. juunil 2023.a. Tallinnas, Pärnu mnt 18. Üldkoosolek algas kell 10:00. Üldkoosolekul oli aktsiatega esindatud 2 569 152 häält, mis moodustab 57,10% kõigist Aktsiaseltsi aktsiatega esindatud häältest. Üldkoosolek oli pädev võtma vastu otsuseid päevakorras olnud küsimustes. Üldkoosoleku otsused:           1.     Aktsiaseltsi 2022. a majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine Kinnitada Aktsia...


Unaudited financial report for the first quarter of 2023

Unaudited financial report for the first quarter of 2023 The main business activity of Trigon Property Development AS is real estate development. As at 31.03.2023, AS Trigon Property Development owned one development project with an area of 12.8 hectares in the City of Pärnu, Estonia. A commercial, industrial and logistics park is planned on this area. The Company’s objective is to find companies willing to bring their business activities (industry, logistics) to the development project area of AS Trigon Property Development in Pärnu, which would add value to the land plots owned by the Com...

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