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Moody's Ratings upgrades the ratings on two classes of notes issued by...

Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has upgraded  the ratings on the following notes issued by TCI-Flatiron CLO 2017-1 Ltd. U.S.$31,500,000 Class D Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate Notes due November 2030, Upgraded to Aa3 (sf); previously on Aug 16, 2024 Upgraded to A3 (sf) U.S.$22,500,000 Class E S...

Moody's upgrades ratings on two classes of CLO notes issued by TCI-Fla...

Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has upgraded  the ratings on the following notes issued by TCI-Flatiron CLO 2017-1 Ltd.: U.S.$60,000,000 Class B Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2030, Upgraded to Aa1 (sf); previously on November 28, 2017 Assigned Aa2 (sf) U.S.$26,000,000 Class C Senio...

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