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Moody's Ratings announces completion of a periodic review of ratings o...

Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has completed a periodic review of the ratings of Bank Permata Tbk (P.T.) (Bank Permata) and other ratings that are associated with this issuer. The review was conducted through a rating committee held on 5 March 2025 in which we reassessed the appropriateness of the ratin...

Bank Permata Tbk (P.T.): Key facts and statistics - 2023

A summary company profile, detailing Bank Permata Tbk’s business operations and financial highlights.

Bank Permata Tbk (P.T.): Update following rating upgrade, outlook chan...

Our credit view of this issuer reflects its high liquidity buffer, its robust loan loss reserves and capital and its very high likelihood of support from BBL in times of need.

Moody's upgrades Bank Permata's deposit ratings to Baa1, changes outlo...

Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has upgraded Bank Permata Tbk (P.T.)'s  (Bank Permata) long-term (LT) foreign-currency (FC) and local-currency (LC) deposit ratings to Baa1 from Baa2, its LT FC and LC Counterparty Risk Ratings (CRRs) to A3 from Baa1 and its LT Counterparty Risk (CR) Assessment to A3(cr) fr...

Bank Permata Tbk (P.T.): Update following rating affirmation and BCA u...

Our credit view of Bank Permata reflects its high liquidity buffer and its robust loan loss reserves and capital, offset by asset risks associated with restructured loans.

Moody's affirms Bank Permata's ratings, changes outlook to positive

Moody's Investors Service has affirmed Bank Permata Tbk (P.T.)'s Baa2/P-2 long-term (LT) and short-term (ST) foreign-currency (FC)and local-currency (LC) deposit ratings. Moody's has also upgraded the bank's Baseline Credit Assessment (BCA) to baa3 from ba1 and affirmed the baa2 Adjusted BCA. At t...

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