The local indexes slipped with low traded volume over the session. The benchmark index SOFIX came down 1.15% to 576.58 points, mostly due to its heaviest member Sopharma (3JR, BGN 3.51, -2.23%), which declined on small speculative trades. Holding Varna (5V2, BGN 37.20) also weighed on the index significantly, as it lost 5.58% after a single trade, ranking it top loser among the constituents. BGTR30 and BGBX40 shrank by 0.17% and 0.76% to 502.55 and 115.07 points, respectively. BGREIT declined by...
Big price fluctuations and weak liquidity left SOFIX slightly positive on Monday. Stara Planina Hold (5SR, BGN 6.35, +5.83%) and Central Cooperative Bank (4CF, BGN 1.725, +0.88%) supported the main index while Holding Varna (5V2, BGN 37,- , -2.63%) and Chimimport (6C4, BGN 1.90, -1.04%) pulled back the overall price levels. The compensation instruments also experienced selling pressure and BLKD (BGN 0.35, -4.11%) dropped while BLKC touched BGN 0.90 but recovered in the end of the session and clo...
A negative start of the week for all indexes on BSE with the usual lower volumes for the season. Eurohold (4EH, BGN 1.43, -3.38%) and Industrial Holding Bulgaria (4ID, BGN 0.95, -3.06%) weighed the most on SOFIX (628.36), which fell by 0.84%. The liquidity came from Advance Terrafund (6A6, BGN 2.18), which ended without change in the price and few block trades with Sila Holding (6S5, BGN 2.12, 0.00%) and Holding Nov Vek (6N3, BGN 14.50, 3.57%). CEZ Distribution (3CZ, BGN 268.00, 7.20%) and Dover...
Ford Equity International Research Reports cover 60 countries with over 30,000 stocks traded on international exchanges. A proprietary quantitative system compares each company to its peers on proven measures of business value, growth characteristics, and investor behavior. Ford's three recommendation ratings buy, hold and sell, represent each stock’s return potential relative to its own country market.. The rating reports which are generated each week, include the fundamental details behind...
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