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Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 24 June 2024

The market exhibited mixed action on Friday as the participants took profit from outperformed names and switched into names with positive news. SOFIX (848.99, -0.35%) reflected a slight negative slip following the continuing downtrend of Shelly Group (SLYG, BGN 69.00, -0.86%) combined with the deepen losses of M+S Hydraulic (MSH, BGN 10.00, -2.91%) and Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 1.60, -3.03%). The lack of conviction on both sides in this session left the volumes below the 15-days average...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 22 May 2024

The Bulgarian equity market finished strong on Tuesday, leaving the major indexes at fresh 15-years high. SOFIX (871.29) saw a 0.96% gain, continuing its recent performance, while BGTR30 (867.48) and BGBX40 (172.93) surged by 0.82% and 0.59%, respectively. The financial sector finished as a leader once again as evidenced by the positive bias in market breath, mainly reflecting the reaction of the retail on the released news of First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 4.84, +9.01%) before the session from...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Weekly bulletin - 22 April - 26 April 2024

All major indexes advanced modestly last week with the exception of BGREIT (190.47, -0.5%), as investors remained focused on the continuing release of the Q1 financial reports. The local benchmark SOFIX added 1.6% to close at 818.59, reflecting the excellent performance of index members like First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 3.08, +20.3%) and M+S Hydraulic (MSH, BGN 11.90, +10.2%). A total of 12 out of 29 names in our universe finished on green territory, 10 weighted on the red side, 7 remained un...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 22 April 2024

Friday’s session felt similar to other sessions from the previous week with below average volume at BSE as the exception was the registered block trade of Eurohold (EUBG, BGN 1.31, -0.76%) for more than million shares at BGN 1.35. All main indexes finished on negative side as a consequence of lack of conviction from buyers and widened Bid/Ask spreads. Zlaten Lev Holding (HLEV, BGN 3.60, -19.28%), Monbat (MONB, BGN 3.44, -3.37%) and Korado (KBG, BGN 4.28, -2.73%) were the daily laggards, while th...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 29 March 2024

Quit opposite moves fixed SOFIX (807.47, +0.49%) positive on the very last trading session of March. M+S Hydraulic (MSH, BGN 11.10, +6.73%), Chimimport (CHIM, BGN 0.702, +2.93%), Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE, BGN 15.30, +2.00%) and Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 1.53, +2.00%) jumped on the ground of moderate daily volume. Insignificant speculative trades weighed on Holding Varna (HVAR, BGN 44.00, -2.22%), Advance Terrafund (ATER, BGN 3.34, -1.18%) and Elana Agrocredit (EAC, BGN 1.08, -0.92%...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 22 March 2024

Opposite moves of SOFIX (811.02, -0.04%) members fixed the main index almost unchanged. Eurohold (EUBG, BGN 1.27, -0.78%), Doverie United Holding (DUH, BGN 9.14, -0.65%) and Chimimport (CHIM, BGN 0.70, -0.57%) slipped without significant daily volume and fully offset the positive moves of Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 1.55, +3.33%), M+S Hydraulic (MSH, BG 10.80, +0.93%) and First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 2.54, +0.79%). Overall liquidity remained low as institutional investors stayed away f...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Weekly bulletin - 26 February - 1 March 2024

The trading activity was poor last week on BSE and the broad indexes settled almost unchanged – BGBX40 (162.87, +0.4%) and BGTR30 (809.22, 0.0%). SOFIX (793.16) took some advantage from the weekly gainers Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE, BGN 15.60, +9.10%) and Sopharma (SFA, BGN 6.36, 5.30%) and outperformed by 1.0%. The advance-decline line favored decliners by a 13 to 11 margin in our watchlist, while the weekly volumes declines by 32% compared to the YtD average.

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 1 March 2024

Green Thursday raised SOFIX to 788.42 (+0.56%). Heavy Sopharma (SFA, BGN 6.16, +2.67%) and Eurohold (EUBG, BGN 1.30, +0.78%) supported the main index and offset the drop of Chimimport (CHIM, BGN 0.706, -1.94%), Sopharma Trading (SFT, BGN 5.60, -1.75%) and First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 2.80, -1.41%). After several negative trading sessions, M+S Hydraulic (MSH, BGN 10.80, +4.86%) recovered on Thursday. Daily gainer Monbat (MONB, BGN 3.78, +5.00%) jumped without significant daily volume and big b...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 23 February 2024

The Bulgarian equity market gained momentum after a deep interest appeared in names like M+S Hydraulic (MSH, BGN 11.10, +1.83%) and Doverie United Holding (DUH, BGN 9.20, 0.00%) and renewed the market enthusiasm for other growth names. SOFIX (784.84) advanced 0.62% supported by First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 2.84, +3.65%) and Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE, BGN 14.50, +3.57%). Some names were left out of the trading or with poor volumes but the overall daily statistics improved compared to previ...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 1 February 2024

Opposite moves of index members fixed SOFIX at 786.68 (-0.13%). The jumps of Neochim (NEOH, BGN 23.60, +6.79%), Doverie (DUH, BGN 8.94, +2.05%) and BSE (BSE, BGN 14.15, +1.07%) partly offset the drops of First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 3.12, -5.45%), Chimimport (CHIM, BGN 0.734, -3.42%) and M+S Hydraulic (MSH, BGN 10.80, -0.92%). Consolidation around current market levels continued and all other local indexes finished the day almost unchanged.

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Weekly bulletin - 22 January - 26 January 2024

Over the past week, investors managed to stay positive and Bulgarian stock market advanced modestly. The local benchmark SOFIX added 0.6% to close at 787.72, reflecting the good performance of index members like Shelly Group (SLYG, BGN 57.60, +5.1%) , Central Cooperative Bank (CCB, BGN 1.61, +3.9%) and others. The weekly top gainer within our list of selected companies was Alcomet (ALCM, BGN 7.15, +8.3%), followed by Shelly and Stara Planina Hold (SPH, BGN 10.40,+5.1%). Neochim ( NEOH, BGN 27.0...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Weekly bulletin - 18 December - 22 December 2023

The BSE indexes remained flat last trading week, as the benchmark SOFIX (740.97, -0.6%) was the only one that ended on the red side. Rising stocks outnumbered the declining ones in our list of selected companies by 14 to 8, while 7 ended unchanged. The best performers were Gradus (GR6, BGN 1.50, +7.1%), Shelly Group (SLYG, BGN 46.00, +5.0%) and Alcomet (ALCM, BGN 7.30, +4.3%), while M+S Hydraulic (MSH, BGN 10.70, -7.8%) and Eurohold Bulgaria (EUBG, BGN 1.39, -6.7%) lost the most. The weekly turn...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 22 December 2023

Thursday’s session was focused on narrow range of large cap names with two active buyback procedures – Gradus (GR6, BGN 1.50, +3.45%) and Sopharma (SFA, BGN 5.78, -0.69%). The broad indexes took advantage from numerous names, like Eleven Capital (11C, BGN 17.80, +2.89%), Sirma Group (SGH, BGN 0.72, +2.86%) and Stara Planina (SPH, BGN 10.20, +3.55%), while SOFIX (740.77) slipped by 0.20%, following its heavy members Eurohold (EUBG, BGN 1.40, -3.45%) and First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 2.94, -1.34...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Weekly bulletin - 20 November - 24 November 2023

The Bulgarian stock exchange indexes closed the week flat on Friday with the exception of the sector focused BGREIT, which lost 1.5% to settle at 188.33. The benchmark SOFIX (748.79, 0.0%) remained unchanged as the broad ones - BGBX40 (157.39, -0.1%) and BGTR30 (782.28, +0.1%) finished in a similar fashion. The weekly top performers within our list of selected companies were Korado Bulgaria (KGB, BGN 4.60, +9.5%) and Doverie United Holding (DUH, BGN 8.52, +3.9%), while Industrial Capital Holding...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 22 November 2023

The major indexes declined on Tuesday in disappointing session as investors looked for cash from liquid names included in SOFIX (737.46, -1.21%). The negative bias was reflection of medium sized trades on bid side in widened spreads of names like Shelly Group (SLYG, BGN 40.40, -4.49%), First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 2.56, -4.48%) and Chimimport (CHIM, BGN 0.64, -3.03%). Even the increased selling pressure couldn’t improve the volumes, which remained lower than the average for the last 3 months.

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 31 October 2023

The major indexes closed near their best levels of the day with gains ranging from 0.06% to 0.15% on Monday. SOFIX (747.86) ended on a higher note, continuing its five day uptrend in a row by adding 0.11%. The positive bias came from Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE, BGN 11.25, +2.74%) and Trace Group (T57, BGN 3.00, +6.77%) jumps, while other movers of the day - Alcomet (ALCM, BGN 7.55) and Monbat (MONB, BGN 4.14) lost 3.21% and 2.36%, respectively. A new block trade with Rodna Zemya (HRZ, BGN 2.9...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 23 October 2023

The Bulgarian stock market ended on a negative side on Friday, as investors’ activity remained unimpressive. The major indexes all closed in red, as the benchmark SOFIX (741.92) declined 1.10%, mainly due to a significant drop in Eurohold Bulgaria (EUBG, BGN 1.70, -5.03%). A block trade with Eurohold lifted the index turnover, reaching 155% of the 3-months average numbers. The top gainer within the index was Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE, BGN 10.55, +3.94%), while EUBG and Shelly Group (SLYG, BG...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Weekly bulletin - 2 October - 6 October 2023

The Bulgarian stock market closed the week lower on Friday, pressured by the lack of new investor’s appetite and continuing global uncertainty. The leading local index SOFIX recorded modest decline and lost 0.3% to settle at 753.13, as the broad ones BGBX40 (158.17, -0.2%) and BGTR30 (787.31, -0.1%) showed similar performance. The best performers of the week within our list of selected companies were Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE, BGN 10.20, +6.7%), Sopharma Trading (SFT, BGN 6.40, +4.9%) and Tr...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Morning Bulletin - 4 October 2023

An early bounce attempt to recover the previous day decline on Bulgarian equity market failed as aggressive sellers on broad base prevailed on Tuesday. Despite the positive effect from names such as Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE, BGN 9.80, +2.30%), First Investment Bank (FIB, BGN 2.46, +2.50%) and M+S Hydraulic (MSH, BGN 11.20, +5.66%), SOFIX (747.79) slipped 0.13% mainly due to top loser of the day – Shelly Group (SLYG, BGN 40.90), which lost 4.88% after the released announcement that Dimitar D...

Mihail Dimitrov ... (+2)
  • Mihail Dimitrov
  • Veselin Radoychev Please Change Surname

Weekly bulletin - 25 September - 29 September 2023

The local stock market gained some steam last week and ended on a positive note with the exception of sector index BGREIT (190.35, -0.4%). The benchmark SOFIX (755.73) was the top gainer with 2.0% rise, reflecting the impressive performance of the index member Sopharma (SFА, BGN 7.18, +15.8%). The number of declining stocks equaled the advancing ones in our list of selected companies-12 to 12, where 5 ended the week unchanged. The top gainers were Sopharma, Sirma Group Holding (SGH, BGN 0.76, +5...

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