Ford Equity International Research Reports cover 60 countries with over 30,000 stocks traded on international exchanges. A proprietary quantitative system compares each company to its peers on proven measures of business value, growth characteristics, and investor behavior. Ford's three recommendation ratings buy, hold and sell, represent each stock’s return potential relative to its own country market.. The rating reports which are generated each week, include the fundamental details behind...
​Tuto4PC affiche une croissance de 14,7% au 1er semestre à 5,93 M€ (France 1,68 M€ -16% / CEE hors France 0,82 M€ -51,3% / International 3,43 M€ +131%).L'Ebitda progresse de +18,9% à 3,67 M€ (marge de 66% vs 60,5% au S1 2014) alors que le Rex recule de 53,5% (0,79 M€ - marge de 13,3% vs 32,8% au S1 2014) sous l'effet de le quasi doublement des dotations aux amortissements (2,69 M€ +92%). Cela résulte de l'amortissement des PC Billboards. Le résultat net chute dans une moindre...
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