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INVL BSGF Co-Invest Fund II established

INVL BSGF Co-Invest Fund II established INVL Asset Management, a part of Invalda INVL, the leading asset management group in the Baltics, has launched the INVL BSGF Co-Invest Fund II as a new closed-end fund for informed investors. “With the INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund now investing in its 10th portfolio company, we believe that we can offer investors an attractive co-investment opportunity,” says Vytautas Plunksnis, a partner of the INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund. He says priority to participate in co-investment will be given to existing investors in the INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund. The mi...


Įsteigtas „INVL BSGF Co-Invest Fund II“

Įsteigtas „INVL BSGF Co-Invest Fund II“ Pirmaujančios turto valdymo grupės Baltijos šalyse „Invalda INVL“ bendrovė „INVL Asset Management“ įsteigė naują informuotiems investuotojams skirtą uždaro tipo fondą „INVL BSGF Co-Invest Fund II“. „Tikimės, jog „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund” atliekant investiciją į 10-ąją portfelio įmonę, investuotojams galėsime pasiūlyti patrauklią koinvestavimo galimybę”, – sako „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund” partneris Vytautas Plunksnis. Pasak jo, prioritetas dalyvauti koinvesticijoje bus teikiamas dabartiniams „INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund” investuotojams. Minima...


Maib to buy back 3% of own shares, some shares sold by investor consor...

Maib to buy back 3% of own shares, some shares sold by investor consortium Moldova-Agroindbank (maib), Moldova’s largest commercial bank, one of whose shareholders is the leading Baltic asset management group Invalda INVL, will purchase 3% of its own shares. Some of the shares are being sold by maib’s largest shareholder, the British company HEIM Partners Limited, which represents a consortium of investors that also includes Invalda INVL. “The purpose of buying back our own shares is to use them for employee incentives and to provide liquidity for the bank’s shareholders. The buyback w...


Maib supirks 3 proc. savų akcijų, dalį akcijų parduoda investuotųjų ko...

Maib supirks 3 proc. savų akcijų, dalį akcijų parduoda investuotųjų konsorciumas Didžiausias Moldovos komercinis bankas „Moldova-Agroindbank“ (maib), kurio viena iš akcininkių yra pirmaujanti turto valdymo grupė Baltijos šalyse „Invalda INVL“, supirks 3 proc. savų akcijų. Dalį turėtų akcijų parduoda ir didžiausia maib akcininkė – britų bendrovė „HEIM Partners Limited“, atstovaujanti investuotojų konsorciumui, kuriame yra ir „Invalda INVL“.  „Savų akcijų supirkimo tikslas – jas panaudoti darbuotojams skatinti ir sudaryti banko akcininkams  likvidumo galimybę. Savų akcijų supirkimas ...


INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund-backed FERN Group completes EUR 8 million ...

INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund-backed FERN Group completes EUR 8 million public bond offering FERN Group, a foremost engineering solutions group in Lithuania and a portfolio company of the INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund, the leading private equity fund in the Baltic region, completed a public offering of EUR 8 million of bonds. The bonds with a maturity of 2 years were offered to retail and institutional investors in the Baltics. “This is the first time we’ve gone to the capital market, and the successful placement of the bond issue shows that investors have trust in our group and believe in wha...


Information on the voting rights attached to the shares issued by Inva...

Information on the voting rights attached to the shares issued by Invalda INVL as of 10 September 2024 Considering that on 10 September 2024 Invalda INVL settled for treasury shares and purchased 53,043 units of shares (0.43% of share capital) for the amount of EUR 786.6 thousand (without brokerage fee), during the share buy-back procedure on 2-6 September 2024, since the date of this notice the number of votes in the quorum of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Invalda INVL has changed. Data on shares issued by Invalda INVL: Type of shares Ordinary registered shares IS...


AB „Invalda INVL“ įsigis 0,43 proc. savo akcijų

AB „Invalda INVL“ įsigis 0,43 proc. savo akcijų Pasibaigus savų akcijų supirkimui, AB „Invalda INVL“ įsigis 0,43 proc. savo akcijų, už kurias bus sumokėta 786,7 tūkst. eurų (be tarpininkavimo mokesčių). Akcijų supirkimui, per kurį galėjo būti maksimaliai supirkta 67.430 vnt. akcijų, pasiūlyta 53.043 vnt. Akcijų įsigijimo kaina nustatyta olandiško aukciono principu. Kiekvienas akcininkas po 14,83 euro už akciją pardavė visas siūlytas akcijas. Akcijų supirkimas per AB Nasdaq Vilnius vertybinių popierių biržos oficialaus siūlymo rinką prasidėjo 2024 m. rugsėjo 2 d., baigėsi – rugsėjo 6 d. At...


Invalda INVL and its subsidiary INVL Life have concluded securities pu...

Invalda INVL and its subsidiary INVL Life have concluded securities purchase and sale agreements In view of the fact that Invalda INVL has established a 100% owned subsidiary INVL Life UAB for the provision of life insurance services, which is currently no longer in operation, as the life insurance business has been merged into Šiaulių bankas Group with effect from 1 December 2023, and with a view to simplifying the Group's operations, on 4 September Invalda INVL bought the following stakes from the company INVL Life: 1,873,678 units shares of INVL Technology, representing 15.39% of the sh...


INVL Asset Management launches new fund INVL Partner Power Opportuniti...

INVL Asset Management launches new fund INVL Partner Power Opportunities Fund INVL Asset Management, a part of Invalda INVL, the leading asset management group in the Baltics, has launched the INVL Partner Power Opportunities Fund as a new closed-end fund for informed investors. The INVL Partner Power Opportunities Fund will invest mainly in the fund managed by a leading global investment manager specialising in alternative investments. The latter fund will focus on investments in companies that do not directly operate in energy production or infrastructure development but do business in s...


„INVL Asset Management“ įsteigė naują fondą „INVL Partner Power Opport...

„INVL Asset Management“ įsteigė naują fondą „INVL Partner Power Opportunities Fund“ Pirmaujančios turto valdymo grupės Baltijos šalyse „Invalda INVL“ bendrovė „INVL Asset Management“ įsteigė naują informuotiems investuotojams skirtą uždaro tipo fondą „INVL Partner Power Opportunities Fund“. „INVL Partner Power Opportunities Fund“ daugiausia lėšų investuos į lyderiaujančios pasaulyje investicijų valdytojos, besispecializuojančios alternatyvių investicijų srityje,  valdomą fondą. Pastarasis fondas investuos į įmones, kurios tiesiogiai neužsiima energijos gamyba ar infrastruktūros kūrimu, bet...


Invalda INVL informs that the purchase of own shares is starting

Invalda INVL informs that the purchase of own shares is starting Invalda INVL informs that the purchase of the company's own shares, which was announced on 5 July 2024 (), starts on 2 September through the market of official offer of Nasdaq Vilnius stock exchange. The purchase conditions remain unchanged:Share purchase starts on 2 September 2024.Share purchase ends on 6 September 2024.The maximum number of shares to be purchased is 67,430 units.Maximum purchase price is EUR 1 million (one million euros).The maximum purchase price of shares is EUR 14.83 per share (value of consolidated equi...


INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund-backed FERN Group launches EUR 8 million p...

INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund-backed FERN Group launches EUR 8 million public bond offering FERN Group, a leading engineering solutions group in Lithuania and a portfolio company of the INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund, the foremost private equity fund in the Baltic region, on 29 August 2024 is starting an offering of EUR 8 million of bonds. The bonds will be offered publicly to retail and institutional investors in the Baltics. The new FERN Group bond issue has a maturity of 2 years. By way of auction, investors can choose an annual coupon rate between 8.5% and 9.5%, where coupon will be paid qu...


EBRD, together with Eiffel Investment Group, to provide EUR 24.4 milli...

EBRD, together with Eiffel Investment Group, to provide EUR 24.4 million funding to INVL Renewable Energy Fund I for construction of solar power plant in Romania The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), together with Eiffel Investment Group, will provide EUR 24.4 million funding to INVL Renewable Energy Fund I, a fund investing in renewable energy projects, of INVL Asset Management, a leading alternative asset manager in the Baltic States. The proceeds will be used for constructing a 60 megawatts (MW) capacity solar power plant in Romania by INVL Renewable Energy Fun...


ERPB kartu su „Eiffel Investment Group“ suteiks 24,4 mln. eurų finansa...

ERPB kartu su „Eiffel Investment Group“ suteiks 24,4 mln. eurų finansavimą „INVL Renewable Energy Fund I“ saulės elektrinės statyboms Rumunijoje Europos rekonstrukcijos ir plėtros bankas (ERPB) kartu su „Eiffel Investment Group“ suteiks 24,4 mln. eurų finansavimą pirmaujančios alternatyvaus turto valdytojos Baltijos šalyse „INVL Asset Management“ į atsinaujinančios energetikos projektus investuojančiam fondui „INVL Renewable Energy Fund I“. Gautos lėšos bus skirtos „INVL Renewable Energy Fund I“ 60 megavatų (MW) galios saulės elektrinės statyboms Rumunijoje. ERPB ir Paryžiuje įsikūręs „Ei...


INVL Family Office expands its geographical reach – a branch in Estoni...

INVL Family Office expands its geographical reach – a branch in Estonia will provide investment services The Estonian branch of INVL Financial Advisors, an investment firm belonging to Invalda INVL, the leading asset management group in the Baltics, acting under the brand INVL Family Office, starts providing investment services. The Estonian branch of INVL Financial Advisors starts activities after the approval of the Estonian financial markets supervisory authority. The branch in Estonia is the second INVL Family Office branch in the Baltic States. The INVL Family Office branch in Latvia ...


The decision of the Management Board of Invalda INVL on the purchase o...

The decision of the Management Board of Invalda INVL on the purchase of own shares The Board of the public joint stock company Invalda INVL (identification code 121304349, the registered address Gynėjų str. 14, Vilnius, Lithuania), taking into account the public joint stock company Invalda INVL has formed and not realised the reserve for the purchase of own shares which is equal to EUR 9,888 thousand and considering the Resolution of the General Shareholders meeting held on 30 April 2024, initiates the purchase of own ordinary registered EUR 0.29 (twenty nine euro cents) nominal value share...


AB „Invalda INVL“ valdybos sprendimas dėl savų akcijų įsigijimo

AB „Invalda INVL“ valdybos sprendimas dėl savų akcijų įsigijimo Akcinės bendrovės „Invalda INVL“ valdyba (įmonės kodas 121304349, adresas Gynėjų g. 14, Vilnius) atsižvelgiant į tai, kad akcinėje bendrovėje „Invalda INVL“ yra sudarytas ir nepanaudotas 9 888  tūkst. eurų rezervas savoms akcijoms įsigyti ir vadovaujantis 2024 m. balandžio 30 d. įvykusio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo sprendimu, nusprendė supirkti akcinės bendrovės „Invalda INVL“ paprastąsias vardines 0,29 EUR (dvidešimt devyni euro centai) nominalios vertės akcijas per AB „Nasdaq Vilnius“ vertybinių popierių biržos oficialau...


Invalda INVL notes will be listed on the regulated market

Invalda INVL notes will be listed on the regulated market On 27 June 2024 Nasdaq Vilnius decided to admit notes of Invalda INVL in the nominal value of EUR 10 million (ISIN LT0000409229) to the Baltic Bond List of Nasdaq Vilnius Stock Exchange from 1 July 2024. The person authorized to provide additional information is:Darius Sulnis, CEO of Invalda INVLE-mail   Attachments


A new wording of Articles of Association of Invalda INVL has been regi...

A new wording of Articles of Association of Invalda INVL has been registered. The issued shares were acquired by the group's employees On 21 June 2024, a new wording of the Articles of Association of Invalda INVL AB was registered in the Register of Legal Entities. This draft of the company’s Articles of Association was approved by the shareholders at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 30 April 2024. Invalda INVL increased its share capital to EUR 3,566,818.75 by issuing 65,070 new ordinary registered shares. The newly issued shares were subscribed by the employees of...


Įregistruota nauja „Invaldos INVL“ įstatų redakcija. Išleistas akcijas...

Įregistruota nauja „Invaldos INVL“ įstatų redakcija. Išleistas akcijas įsigijo grupės darbuotojai 2024 m. birželio 21 d. Juridinių asmenų registre įregistruota nauja akcinės bendrovės „Invalda INVL“ įstatų redakcija. Šis bendrovės įstatų projektas akcininkų buvo patvirtintas 2024 m. balandžio 30 d. vykusiame eiliniame visuotiniame akcininkų susirinkime. AB „Invalda INVL“ išleisdama 65.070 naujų paprastųjų vardinių akcijų iki 3.566.818,75 eurų padidino įstatinį kapitalą. Naujai išleistas akcijas pasirašė „Invaldos INVL“ grupės darbuotojai realizuojant 2021 m. jiems suteiktus opcionus. Akcij...

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