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Moody's Ratings affirms DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale's deposit and s...

Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has today affirmed DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale's (DekaBank) long-term deposit, long-term issuer, and senior unsecured ratings at Aa1; the outlook on these ratings remains stable. At the same time, we affirmed the bank's long-term Counterparty Risk Ratings (CRR) at Aa1, i...

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Key facts and statistics - H1 June 202...

A summary company profile, detailing DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale’s business operations and financial highlights.

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Update following rating upgrade

Our credit view of this issuer reflects its sound capitalisation and its high share of recurring fee income, constrained by its dependence on wholesale funding.

Moody's upgrades DekaBank's long-term deposit and senior unsecured rat...

Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has today upgraded DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale (DekaBank)'s long-term deposit, long-term issuer, and senior unsecured ratings to Aa1 from Aa2 with a stable outlook. Previously, the ratings were on review for upgrade. At the same time, the rating agency upgraded the ban...

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Key facts and statistics - H1 June 202...

A summary company profile, detailing DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale’s business operations and financial highlights.

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Update to credit analysis

Our credit view of this issuer reflects its sound capitalisation and its status as a core institution of S-Finanzgruppe, constrained by its dependence on wholesale funding.

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Update to credit analysis

Our credit view of this issuer reflects its sound capitalisation and its status as a core institution of S-Finanzgruppe, constrained by its dependence on wholesale funding.

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Key facts and statistics - H1 June 202...

A summary company profile, detailing DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale’s business operations and financial highlights.

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Update following downgrade of junior s...

Our credit view of DekaBank reflects its sound capitalisation and its status as a core institution of S-Finanzgruppe, which mitigates its dependence on wholesale funding.

Moody's downgrades DekaBank's junior senior unsecured debt rating to A...

Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) today downgraded the junior senior unsecured debt rating of DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale (DekaBank) to A2 from A1. All other ratings of DekaBank have been unaffected by this rating action, including the bank's Aa2 long-term bank deposit and senior unsecured d...

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Key Facts and Statistics - Semiannual ...

A summary company profile, detailing DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale's business operations and financial highlights.

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Update to credit analysis

Our credit view of DekaBank reflects its sound capitalisation and high share of recurring fee income, along with its asset concentration risk.

Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of DekaBa...

Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale. Global Credit Research- 05 Oct 2021. Frankfurt am Main, October 05, 2021-- Moody's Investors Service has completed a periodic review of the ratings of DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit.

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Update following rating affirmation

Our credit view of DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale, reflecting its sound capitalisation and high share of recurring fee income, along with its asset concentration risk.

Moody's affirms DekaBank's Aa2 senior unsecured debt and deposit ratin...

Rating Action: Moody's affirms DekaBank's Aa2 senior unsecured debt and deposit ratings, outlook remains stable. Global Credit Research- 05 May 2021. Frankfurt am Main, May 05, 2021-- Moody's Investors Service today affirmed DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale's Aa2 long-term deposit, senior unsecured debt and issuer ratings; the outlook on these ratings remains stable.

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Update to credit analysis

Our credit view of DekaBank, reflecting its sound performance in the deteriorating environment during the first half of 2020 and its status as a core institution of S-Finanzgruppe.

Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of DekaBa...

Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale. Global Credit Research- 20 Oct 2020. Frankfurt am Main, October 20, 2020-- Moody's Investors Service has completed a periodic review of the ratings of DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit.

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Key Facts and Statistics - FYE Decembe...

A summary company profile, detailing DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale’s business operations and financial highlights.

DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale: Update to credit analysis

Our credit view of DekaBank, highlighting the bank's modest credit risk and sound regulatory capital ratios, but also its high reliance on market funding.

Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of DekaBa...

Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale. Global Credit Research- 12 Nov 2019. Frankfurt am Main, November 12, 2019-- Moody's Investors Service has completed a periodic review of the ratings of DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit.

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