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Groupe Casino sells over €200M of real estate assets to Tikehau Capita...

Groupe Casino sells over €200M of real estate assets to Tikehau Capital Groupe Casino sells over €200M of real estate assets toTikehau Capital Paris, 1 July 2024 Groupe Casino has signed a binding agreement with Tikehau Capital for the sale, in the second half of 2024, of a portfolio of 30 real estate assets comprising hypermarket and supermarket premises leased to the Casino, Intermarché, Carrefour and Auchan banners, as well as ancillary lots within these real estate complexes, some with real estate development potential. The sale price is to be paid in several instalments, with over ...


Market Update - June 30, 2024

Market Update - June 30, 2024 Press release Market update Agreement reached on financial restructuring terms between the Company and a group of banks and bondholders Significant milestone towards reaching a final restructuring agreement by July Main terms of Atos’ financial restructuring plan: Contribution of €233 million by way of a capital increase with preferential subscription right, €75 million of which is backstopped by the bondholders participating to the new financings (described below) in cash and €100 million is backstopped by the Participating Creditors...


Point de marché - 30 juin 2024

Point de marché - 30 juin 2024 Communiqué de presse Point de marché Accord sur les termes de la restructuration financière entre la Société et un groupe de banques et de porteurs d’obligations Une étape importante vers la conclusion d'un accord de restructuration final en juillet Principaux termes du plan de restructuration financière d’Atos : Apport de 233 millions d’euros par le biais d’une augmentation de capital avec maintien du droit préférentiel de souscription garantie à hauteur de 75 millions d’euros par les porteurs d’obligations participants aux nouveaux ...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Credit Morning 06/28/2024

Grifols: some Spanish banks are reportedly refusing to refinance to loan granted to Scranton (El Confidencial)>...

Carole Braudeau
  • Carole Braudeau

Morning Crédit 28/06/2024

Grifols : des banques espagnoles refuseraient de refinancer un prêt accordé à Scranton (El Confidencial)>...


EQS-News: Delivery Hero ernannt Marie-Anne Popp zum Interim Chief Fina...

EQS-News: Delivery Hero SE / Schlagwort(e): Sonstiges Delivery Hero ernannt Marie-Anne Popp zum Interim Chief Financial Officer 28.06.2024 / 07:30 CET/CEST Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. Delivery Hero ernannt Marie-Anne Popp zum Interim Chief Financial Officer Marie-Anne Popp, Senior Vice President Finance bei Delivery Hero, wird ab dem 1. Juli 2024 interimistisch die Position des Chief Financial Officer (CFO) übernehmen. Popp verfügt über eine starke und nachweislich erfolgreiche Bilanz in den Bereichen Finanz- und Geschäft...


EQS-News: Delivery Hero announces Marie-Anne Popp as interim Chief Fin...

EQS-News: Delivery Hero SE / Key word(s): Miscellaneous Delivery Hero announces Marie-Anne Popp as interim Chief Financial Officer 28.06.2024 / 07:30 CET/CEST The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Delivery Hero announces Marie-Anne Popp as interim Chief Financial Officer Marie-Anne Popp, Senior Vice President of Finance at Delivery Hero, to assume the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) on an interim basis starting July 1st 2024  Popp has a strong and proven track record in financial and business strategy  Berlin, 28 June 2024 – ...


Atos - Resignation of Mr. David Layani and Ms. Helen Lee-Bouygues from...

Atos - Resignation of Mr. David Layani and Ms. Helen Lee-Bouygues from the BoD Press Release Market Update Resignation of Mr. David Layani and Ms. Helen Lee-Bouyguesfrom the Board of Directors Paris, France - June 27, 2024 – Atos SE (“Atos” or the “Company”) has been informed by Mr. David Layani and Ms. Helen Lee Bouygues of their resignation from the Board of Directors with immediate effect with a view to Onepoint's intention to withdraw from the Company’s share capital. *** Disclaimer This document contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties...


Atos - Démission de M. David Layani et Mme Helen Lee-Bouygues de leur ...

Atos - Démission de M. David Layani et Mme Helen Lee-Bouygues de leur poste d’administrateur Communiqué de presse Point de marché Démission de M. David Layani et Mme Helen Lee-Bouyguesde leur poste d’administrateur Paris, France – 27 juin 2024 – Atos SE (« Atos » ou la « Société ») a été informée par M. David Layani et Mme Helen Lee Bouygues de leur démission avec effet immédiat du Conseil d’administration, et de leur intention d’une sortie de Onepoint du capital de la Société. *** Avertissement Le présent document contient des informations de nature prévisionnelle auxque...

Stephane Beyazian
  • Stephane Beyazian


As momentum has become less adverse than over the past five years, interest rates have started to fall and valuations have (historically low), this should have prodded small and mid cap companies back to their old outperformance. The European elections in France and the ensuing decision to dissolve the French National Assembly have changed risk perceptions and erased YTD gains. In our new ODDO BHF European mid cap list for H2 2024, France is underweighted with a mix of defensive and s...

Stephane Beyazian
  • Stephane Beyazian


Le momentum devenu moins défavorable qu’au cours des 5 derniers exercices, l’amorce de baisse des taux, et les valorisations (historiquement basses) auraient dû aider les small&Midcaps à retrouver leur surperformance. Les Elections européennes suivies de la dissolution de l’Assemblée nationale en France ont changé la perception du risque et gommé les gains YTD. Notre nouvelle liste ODDO BHF European Midcaps pour le S2 2024 se trouve sous-pondérée sur la France et propose un mix entre ...

Konrad Zomer ... (+2)
  • Konrad Zomer
  • Stephane Beyazian

ODDO : Ericsson downgrades its global traffic outlook

>Unprecedented revision of 25% - Ericsson yesterday published its annual Ericsson Mobility report, an industry benchmark for mobile network traffic forecasts. Traffic forecasts are crucial in terms of the investment outlook for the telecoms sector.What is surprising is that Ericsson cut its global mobile traffic forecast by close to 25% for 2029 (from 403 EB/m to 313 EB/m, or from 56 to 42 GB/m per smartphone user). Ericsson does not communicate much on this revi...

Geoffroy Michalet
  • Geoffroy Michalet

Eurofins : Analysts’ meeting, relatively positive, but restoring full ...

>Real estate: a reminder of the end-game, divestment to Eurofins if the market allows - According to the group, all of the allegations mentioned in the report are either incorrect, inappropriate or misleading. Management highlighted that the real estate transactions that were conducted at market price, just like rents, and that these prices were validated by independent appraisers and that a benchmark is published in the annual report.All told, the aim, already a...

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