Moody's Ratings (Moody's) affirmed NOVA Chemicals Corporation's (NOVA) Ba2 corporate family rating (CFR), Ba2-PD probability of default rating, Ba3 senior unsecured and Baa3 senior secured notes ratings. The outlook remains stable. The ratings affirmation incorporates the credit positive impact of...
Moody's Ratings (Moody's) affirmed NOVA Chemicals Corporation's (NOVA) Ba2 corporate family rating (CFR), Ba2-PD probability of default rating and Ba3 senior unsecured notes ratings. At the same time, we assigned a Ba3 rating to NOVA's proposed $400 million senior unsecured notes due 2031 and upgrad...
Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) assigned a Ba3 rating to NOVA Chemicals Corporation's (NOVA) proposed $650 million senior unsecured notes due 2030. NOVA's Ba2 corporate family rating (CFR), Ba2-PD probability of default rating (PDR), Ba3 senior unsecured notes rating and Ba1 senior secured first...
Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) assigned a Ba1 rating to NOVA Chemicals Corporation's (NOVA) proposed $400 million senior secured first lien notes due 2028. At the same time, Moody's affirmed NOVA's Ba2 corporate family rating (CFR), Ba2-PD probability of default rating (PDR) and Ba3 senior unse...
Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) affirmed NOVA Chemicals Corporation's (NOVA) Ba2 corporate family rating (CFR), Ba2-PD probability of default rating (PDR) and Ba3 senior unsecured notes rating. The outlook was changed to negative from stable. "The negative outlook reflects heightened credit ri...
Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of NOVA Chemicals Corporation. Global Credit Research- 03 Sep 2021. Toronto, September 03, 2021-- Moody's Investors Service has completed a periodic review of the ratings of NOVA Chemicals Corporation and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit.
Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of NOVA Chemicals Corporation. Global Credit Research- 08 Oct 2020. Toronto, October 08, 2020-- Moody's Investors Service has completed a periodic review of the ratings of NOVA Chemicals Corporation and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit.
Rating Action: Moody's downgrades NOVA to Ba2; outlook stable. Global Credit Research- 01 Apr 2020. Toronto, April 01, 2020-- Moody's Investors Service downgraded NOVA Chemicals Corporation's corporate family rating to Ba2 from Ba1, probability of default rating to Ba2-PD from Ba1-PD and senior unsecured notes rating to Ba3 from Ba2.
On January 31, 2020, DBRS Limited (DBRS Morningstar) changed the trends on NOVA Chemicals Corporation’s (NOVA or the Company) ratings to Negative from Stable and confirmed the ratings at BBB (low). The Negative trends reflect higher leverage as NOVA partially funded a $1.08 billion litigation payment with debt and is going through a significant period of softness in its end markets. NOVA made the litigation payment to Dow Chemical Canada ULC and Dow Europe (collectively, Dow) related to the op...
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