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Moody's Ratings withdraws Bumi Serpong Damai's rating on issuer's req...

Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has withdrawn Bumi Serpong Damai TBK (P.T.)'s Ba3 corporate family rating. Prior to the withdrawal, the outlook on the rating was stable. RATINGS RATIONALE We have decided to withdraw the rating(s) following a review of the issuer's request to withdraw its rating(s). ...

Bumi Serpong Damai TBK (P.T.): Update to credit analysis

Our credit view of this issuer reflects its very good liquidity, supported by its large cash holdings, against its intercompany loan to Sinarmas Land Limited.

Bumi Serpong Damai TBK (P.T.): Proposed cash-funded acquisition of Sur...

The proposed acquisition can be fully funded using BSD's internal cash pool.

Bumi Serpong Damai TBK (P.T.): Update following affirmation of Ba3 rat...

Our credit view of this issuer reflects its very good liquidity, supported by its large cash holdings, offset by cash leakage from the group and its exposure to foreign-exchange rate risk.

Bumi Serpong Damai TBK (P.T.): Update to credit analysis

Our credit view of this issuer reflects its very good liquidity, supported by its large cash holdings, offset by its exposure to foreign-exchange rate risk.

Bumi Serpong Damai TBK (P.T.): Update to credit analysis

Our credit view of this issuer reflects its very good liquidity, supported by its large cash holdings, offset by its exposure to foreign-exchange rate risk.

Bumi Serpong Damai TBK (P.T.): Update to credit analysis

Our credit view of BSD reflects its very good liquidity supported by its large cash holdings, but constrained by its exposure to foreign-exchange rate risk.

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