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Emmanuel Matot
  • Emmanuel Matot

Rubis : Photosol: no sun without shade

>A long-term development strategy … - Rubis yesterday organised a capital markets day devoted to its Photosol subsidiary.We remain confident in the quality of this asset acquired in 2022, with technologies of the future in agrivoltaics (significant land reserves in France) that are greening Rubis’ profile and driving sizeable growth potential in Europe.The financial metrics of the roadmap (EBITDA = € 50-55m in 2027 and capex = € 1.1bn in cumulative terms in ...

Emmanuel Matot
  • Emmanuel Matot

Rubis : Photosol : il n’y a pas de soleil sans ombre

>Une stratégie de développement pour le long terme… - Rubis a organisé hier un Capital Markets Day focalisé sur sa filiale Photosol.Nous restons convaincus de la qualité de cet actif racheté en 2022 avec des technologies d’avenir dans l’agrivoltaïsme (importantes réserves foncières en France) qui verdissent les activités de Rubis et le dotent d’un important relais de croissance en Europe.Les métriques financières de la feuille de route (EBITDA = 50-55 M€ en ...

Emmanuel Matot
  • Emmanuel Matot

Rubis : Photosol Day to be held today

>Key announcements in this morning's press release - Rubis is organising a Capital Market Day in Paris today, focusing on Photosol. A press release has just been published.The company's objectives for 2027 comprise a secured portfolio of more than 2.5 GWp (vs 1 GW at end-2024) and EBITDA of € 50-55m (vs ODDO BHF = € 55m and 2023 = € 29m). Given the longer lead times for connection, a warning was issued, unsurprisingly, over the initial target of 1 GWp capacity in...

Emmanuel Matot
  • Emmanuel Matot

Rubis : Photosol Day aujourd’hui

>Principales annonces du communiqué de presse de ce matin - Rubis organise aujourd’hui à Paris un Capital Market Day focalisé sur Photosol. Un communiqué de presse vient d’être publié.Nous retiendrons tout d’abord des objectifs à horizon 2027 avec un portefeuille sécurisé supérieur à 2.5 GWc (vs 1 GW à fin juin 2024) et un EBITDA de 50-55 M€ (vs ODDO BHF = 55 M€ et 2023 = 29 M€). Compte tenu de l’allongement des délais de raccordement, un warning est émis sans su...

Emna Ben Bdira ... (+2)
  • Emna Ben Bdira
  • Maxime Kogge

Outokumpu : Feedback from the visit to the Kemi mine: a key component ...

>The only chrome mine in Europe and one of only a few in the western world - We attended the visit to the chrome mine at Kemi in Finland that was organised by Outokumpu last week. This is the only chrome mine in Europe with more than 2 million tonnes of ore produced per year or 2% of global production, placing it well behind players based in South Africa and Kazakhstan. The mine’s production is destined entirely for the group’s ferrochrome division and two-thirds of f...

Christophe-Raphaël Ganet
  • Christophe-Raphaël Ganet

Virbac : Webcast feedback: H1 ahead of guidance and management confide...

>Confidence and visibility signalled by management - During its webcast, management underscored market share gains and its regular outperformance of the veterinary market. Our key takeaways are:1/ 2024 guidance is maintained (operating margin 2024E:16%) despite H1 results that topped consensus expectations: it seems cautious in our view, as we indicated yesterday morning (see our First Take), but the CFO highlighted weaker growth in H2 and historic seasonality (w...

Christophe-Raphaël Ganet
  • Christophe-Raphaël Ganet

Virbac : Feedback webcast : S1 en avance sur la guidance et confiance ...

>Sérénité et visibilité affichée par le management - Lors de son webcast, le management a souligné les gains de parts de marché et sa surperformance régulière du marché vétérinaire. Nous retenons surtout :1/ La guidance 2024 est maintenue (MOP 24e :16%) malgré un S1 meilleure qu’attendu par le consensus : elle nous semble prudente comme indiqué hier matin (relire notre commentaire), mais le CFO a fait valoir une croissance moindre au S2 et la saisonnalité histori...

Klaus Ringel ... (+2)
  • Klaus Ringel
  • Michael Foundoukidis

Jost-Werke AG : Starting to deliver on its mid-term M&A ambitions

>Signing of an exclusive agreement to acquire Hyva BV - Jost announced that they have signed an agreement to acquire all shares in Hyva B.V., including its direct and indirect subsidiaries worldwide. The Netherlands based Hyva is a leading supplier of hydraulic solutions for the commercial vehicle industries. It has a global market share >40% in front-end tipping cylinders and its global manufacturing footprint encompasses 14 production facilities across China, India,...

Emna Ben Bdira ... (+2)
  • Emna Ben Bdira
  • Maxime Kogge

Outokumpu : Feedback de la visite de la mine de Kemi : une composante ...

>La seule mine de chrome en Europe et l’une des seules dans le monde occidental - Nous avons participé à la visite de la mine de chrome de Kemi en Finlande organisée la semaine dernière par Outokumpu. Il s’agit de la seule mine de chrome en Europe avec plus de 2 millions de tonnes de minerai produites en 2023, soit 2% de la production mondiale, ce qui la place loin derrière les acteurs basés en Afrique du Sud et au Kazakhstan. La mine produit entièrement pour la divis...


RUBIS: Photosol Day 2024 : Powering ahead - Cap sur une croissance cré...

RUBIS: Photosol Day 2024 : Powering ahead - Cap sur une croissance créatrice de valeur avec un portefeuille sécurisé de plus de 2,5 GWc d'ici 2027 Paris, le 17 septembre 2024, 7h00 (CET) Rubis organise aujourd'hui, le 17 septembre 2024, à Paris (France), son "Photosol Day". Lors de cet événement consacré à Photosol, Clarisse Gobin-Swiecznik (Gérante de Rubis), Robin Ucelli et David Guinard (co-fondateurs et respectivement Président et Directeur Général de Photosol), ainsi que d'autres membres de la Direction de Rubis et de Photosol, présenteront une analyse complète de l'évolution des ...


RUBIS: Photosol Day 2024 : Powering ahead - Heading for value-creating...

RUBIS: Photosol Day 2024 : Powering ahead - Heading for value-creating growth and targeting more than 2.5 GWp secured portfolio by 2027 Paris, 17 September 2024, 7.00 am (CET)    Rubis is organising today, 17 September 2024, in Paris (France), its “Photosol Day”. During this event dedicated to Photosol, Clarisse Gobin-Swiecznik (Managing Partner at Rubis), Robin Ucelli and David Guinard (co-founders and, respectively, Chairman and CEO of Photosol), along with other members of Rubis and Photosol management, will present a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the photovoltaic ma...


EQS-News: JOST enters into exclusivity agreement to acquire Hyva

EQS-News: JOST Werke SE / Key word(s): Mergers & Acquisitions/Agreement JOST enters into exclusivity agreement to acquire Hyva 16.09.2024 / 14:47 CET/CEST The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. JOST enters into exclusivity agreement to acquire Hyva JOST signs exclusivity agreement to acquire Hyva: JOST intends to significantly broaden its product portfolio and to add the global market leader in hydraulic cylinders to its family of brands. Expected additional sales contribution of around EUR 624 million p.a.: Hyva will strengthen JOST’s on...


EQS-News: JOST schließt Exklusivitätsvereinbarung zur Übernahme von Hy...

EQS-News: JOST Werke SE / Schlagwort(e): Fusionen & Übernahmen/Vereinbarung JOST schließt Exklusivitätsvereinbarung zur Übernahme von Hyva ab 16.09.2024 / 14:47 CET/CEST Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. JOST schließt Exklusivitätsvereinbarung zur Übernahme von Hyva ab JOST unterzeichnet Exklusivitätsvereinbarung zur Übernahme von Hyva: JOST beabsichtigt sein Produktportfolio signifikant zu erweitern und seine Markenfamilie durch den weltweiten Marktführer im Bereich Hydraulikzylinder zu ergänzen.   Erwarteter zusätzlicher Umsa...


Virbac: erratum short Press release Capital reduction_September 13, 20...

Virbac: erratum short Press release Capital reduction_September 13, 2024 This press release rectifies the version of the press release issued by Virbac on September 13, 2024 at 5:45 pm in order to correct a typing error in the amount of Virbac's new share capital. The share capital of Virbac amounts now to €10,488,325 and not €10,448,325 as announced. Focusing on animal health, from the beginningAt Virbac, we provide innovative solutions to veterinarians, farmers and animal owners in more than 100 countries around the world. Covering more than 50 species, our range of products ...

Christophe-Raphaël Ganet
  • Christophe-Raphaël Ganet

Virbac : H1 2024 results: record operating margin and better than expe...

>A record underlying operating margin at 21.4% - Virbac has published H1 underlying operating profit of € 150.4m (+37%). Net profit was € 94.9m (+26.9%).At end-June, net debt was € 255m (vs -€ 55m at end-2023 and -€ 52m end-H1 2023) due to the acquisitions of Sasaeah (Japan) and minority interests in Globion (India). Note that the group has obtained an easing on its syndicated debt (possible extension of the € 100m commitment).At the same time, Virbac has a...

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