Haffner Energy and IðunnH2 sign a key agreement to reduce costs and secure carbon supply for Iceland’s largest e-SAF project

Haffner Energy and IðunnH2 sign a key agreement to reduce costs and secure carbon supply for Iceland’s largest e-SAF project

Haffner Energy and IðunnH2 sign a key agreement to reduce costs and secure carbon supply for Iceland’s largest e-SAF project

Vitry-le-François, France / Reykjavik, Iceland – September 2, 2024 (6.00 pm CEST / 4.00 pm GMT)

Haffner Energy, a leading biomass-to-clean fuels solutions provider, and IðunnH2, a green hydrogen developer, have signed an agreement aimed at integrating Haffner Energy’s unique technology in the 65,000 tonnes/year e-SAF facility under development by IðunnH2. The project is located near Keflavík International Airport in Iceland. It is slated to combine green hydrogen from Iceland’s renewable power grid with competitive biogenic carbon from Haffner Energy’s patented biocarbon gasification technology to produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) for use on today’s aircraft.

E-SAF, which is projected to account for half of total SAF production by 2050 in Europe, is made from combining green hydrogen with recycled carbon, ideally from a biogenic source. Biogenic carbon typically comes in the form of biogenic CO2, a costly gas to capture, transport, and store. This cost issue is typically compounded by the challenge facing many large-scale hydrogen and e-fuel projects: they are often located in areas with good access to renewable power, but limited access to biogenic carbon, as is the case in Iceland.

Haffner Energy’s groundbreaking innovation consists in supplying solid biocarbon (also known as biochar, a byproduct of its biomass thermolysis technology) and gasifying it onsite generating a fundamental change in the economics of e-SAF production.

“Accessing biogenic CO2 from a reliable partner like Haffner Energy is essential to the development of e-SAF and other e-fuels needed to complete Iceland’s energy transition. The agreement with Haffner Energy will help us direct Iceland’s renewable power onto Iceland’s aircraft fleet, to not only to decrease emissions, but also to reduce Iceland’s import dependence, improve air quality around Keflavík Airport and bolster energy security,” IðunnH2 co-founder and CEO Auður Nanna Baldvinsdóttir says.

“We are thrilled about this exciting project with IðunnH2. Biocarbon is far easier and cheaper to transport and store than CO2, which will make many e-SAF projects economically viable,” Philippe Haffner, Haffner Energy co-founder and CEO, points out.

“We are excited to embark on this e-SAF project with IðunnH2 in Iceland, an ideal location for competitive hydrogen production. This agreement bridges the technological and geographical gap, paving the way for competitive e-SAF production with innovative technology,” Marcella Franchi, Head of SAF at Haffner Energy, adds.

IðunnH2’s 300MW e-SAF facility in Helguvík, Iceland, will produce 65,000 tons of carbon-neutral SAF, thanks to green hydrogen from wind, geothermal and hydropower. SAF will be blended onsite with traditional jet fuel and used on existing fleets and infrastructure. Production is scheduled to start in 2028.

The project aligns with the SAF EU mandate. Supplying the equivalent of 15% of Iceland's projected 2028 total jet fuel demand, this e-SAF facility will allow airlines at Keflavík Airport to exceed the 2030 blending requirement. Icelandair has already committed to using up to 45,000 tonnes each year.

About Haffner Energy

The company, co-founded in France by Marc and Philippe Haffner, supplies cleantech technology for competitive clean fuels production. With 30 years of experience, its operational innovative and patented biomass thermolysis and gasification technology makes it possible to produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), as well as renewable gas, hydrogen, and methanol. The company also contributes to the regeneration of the planet through the co-production of biogenic CO2, biochar and biocarbon. Further information is available at

About IðunnH2

Hydrogen development company IðunnH2 was established in the fall of 2020 by Nanna Baldvinsdóttir and Gylfi Már Geirsson, two seasoned and well-connected experts on the unique Icelandic energy landscape. IðunnH2 leverages the exceptional production conditions in Iceland to create commercially viable hydrogen and e-fuel projects at scale, for the benefit of Icelanders and our shared climate. Further information is available at

Media contacts

Haffner Energy

Laetitia Mailhes

+33 (0)6 07 12 96 76


Nanna Baldvinsdóttir




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