Disclosure of the Number of Shares Forming the Capital and of the Total Number of Voting Rights as of 31 August 2024

Disclosure of the Number of Shares Forming the Capital and of the Total Number of Voting Rights as of 31 August 2024

French public limited company (société anonyme)

with a share capital of €1,473,764,980.00

Registered office : 1973, boulevard de la Défense

92000 Nanterre – France

552 037 806 RCS Nanterre




AS OF 31 AUGUST 2024

Total number of shares589,505,992
Theoretical number of voting rights

(including treasury stock)
Number of voting rights (excluding treasury stock)571,488,438

This disclosure is on VINCI web site

(section investors/financial information/regulatory information/7. monthly information concerning the total number of voting rights and shares that make up the company’s capital).




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