ERA Eramet SA

Information relating to the repurchase by Eramet of all of its outstanding €300,000,000 5.875 per cent. Bonds due 21 May 2025

Information relating to the repurchase by Eramet of all of its outstanding €300,000,000 5.875 per cent. Bonds due 21 May 2025

Paris, 4 July 2024, 5:45 p.m


Information relating to the repurchase by Eramet of all of its outstanding €300,000,000 5.875 per cent. Bonds due 21 May 2025 (ISIN: FR0013461274) (the “Bonds”)

In accordance with the provisions of Article L.213-0-1 of the French Code monétaire et financier and Article 238-2 of the Règlement Général de l’Autorité des marchés financiers, Eramet announces that it has redeemed today all, but not some only, of the Bonds in accordance with Condition 6.5 (Early redemption at the Make-whole Redemption Amount) of the terms and conditions of the Bonds set forth in the prospectus dated 18 November 2019 (the “Terms and Conditions”), representing more than 10% of the bond issue.

In accordance with Condition 6.9 (Cancellation) of the Terms and Conditions, the Bonds so redeemed will be cancelled.


25.07.2024: Publication of 2024 half-year results

24.10.2024: Publication of 2024 Group third-quarter turnover


Eramet transforms the Earth’s mineral resources to provide sustainable and responsible solutions to the growth of the industry and to the challenges of the energy transition.

Its employees are committed to this through their civic and contributory approach in all the countries where the mining and metallurgical group is present.

Manganese, nickel, mineral sands, lithium, and cobalt: Eramet recovers and develops metals that are essential to the construction of a more sustainable world.

As a privileged partner of its industrial clients, the Group contributes to making robust and resistant infrastructures and constructions, more efficient means of mobility, safer health tools and more efficient telecommunications devices.

Fully committed to the era of metals, Eramet’s ambition is to become a reference for the responsible transformation of the Earth’s mineral resources for living well together.


Director of Investor Relations

Sandrine Nourry-Dabi

T. 02




Media Relations Manager

Fanny Mounier

T. 83





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