EXE EXEL Industries SA

EXEL Industries: Total number of voting rights and shares at 01.31.2025

EXEL Industries: Total number of voting rights and shares at 01.31.2025

EXEL Industries

A French Société Anonyme with a share capital of €16,969,750

Registered office: 54, rue Marcel Paul - 51206 Epernay Cedex - France

Reims Companies Register (RCS): No. 095 550 356

Number of shares and voting rights

        Article 223-16 of the AMF regulation        

Date Total number of shares comprising the share capital Total number of voting rights
January 31, 2025


Theoretical voting rights: 9,891,683
Exercisable voting rights*: 9,887,644

* After deduction of shares without voting rights




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Reports on EXEL Industries SA


EXEL Industries: Total number of voting rights and shares at 02.28.202...

EXEL Industries: Total number of voting rights and shares at 02.28.2025 EXEL IndustriesA French Société Anonyme with a share capital of €16,969,750Registered office: 54, rue Marcel Paul - 51206 Epernay Cedex - FranceReims Companies Register (RCS): No. 095 550 356 Number of shares and voting rights        Article 223-16 of the AMF regulation         Date Total number of shares comprising the share capital Total number of voting rights February 28, 2025   6,787,900   Theoretical voting rights: 9,891,683 Exercisable voting rights*: 9,887,182 * After deduction of shares without voti...


EXEL Industries: Total number of voting rights and shares at 01.31.202...

EXEL Industries: Total number of voting rights and shares at 01.31.2025 EXEL IndustriesA French Société Anonyme with a share capital of €16,969,750Registered office: 54, rue Marcel Paul - 51206 Epernay Cedex - FranceReims Companies Register (RCS): No. 095 550 356 Number of shares and voting rights        Article 223-16 of the AMF regulation         Date Total number of shares comprising the share capital Total number of voting rights January 31, 2025   6,787,900   Theoretical voting rights: 9,891,683 Exercisable voting rights*: 9,887,644 * After deduction of shares without votin...


EXEL Industries : Résultats du vote sur les projets de résolutions

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