KER Kering SA

Publication mensuelle du nombre d’actions composant le capital et du nombre total de droits de vote (Juin 2024)

Publication mensuelle du nombre d’actions composant le capital et du nombre total de droits de vote (Juin 2024)


Société anonyme au capital de 493 683 112 €

Siège social : 40, rue de Sèvres – 75007 PARIS

552 075 020 RCS PARIS


Le 17 juin 2024

Publication mensuelle

du nombre d’actions composant le capital et du nombre total de droits de vote

(articles L. 233-8 du code de commerce et 223-16 du règlement général de l’AMF)

Date d’arrêt des


Nombre total d’actions

composant le capital

Nombre total de droits de vote
théoriques 1 exerçables 2



123 420 778

176 619 413
175 782 616

1 Conformément à l’article 223-11 du Règlement général de l’AMF, le nombre de droits de vote théoriques est calculé sur la base de l’ensemble des actions auxquelles sont attachés des droits de vote, y compris les actions temporairement privées de droits de vote (actions auto-détenues).

2 Déduction faite des actions privées du droit de vote.

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Reports on Kering SA

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Bruno Cavalier ... (+6)
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  • Emmanuel Matot
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  • Jeremy Garnier
  • Marc Lavaud
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Dutch real estate companies showed signs of cautious optimism at the recent Provada conference, with logistics and retail favoured. Healthcare shows some positive signs, with limited devaluations. The Dutch government's potential reduction of the Real Estate Transfer Tax and new REIT regime could benefit listed real estate companies active in the country. - ...

Jean Danjou
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ODDO : Monday review – Luxury sector

>H2 and beyond - You must have heard the story numerous times by now: behind the visible correction witnessed by the entire luxury sector over the last months lies a growing uncertainty over the outlook for H2. Current expectations call for a y-o-y reacceleration, but this prospect is not well supported by the most recent evidence provided on both the micro and macro fronts. If one looks at growth from 2019 witnessed over 2023 for the sector as a whole, it stands in o...

Jean Danjou
  • Jean Danjou

ODDO : Monday review – Luxury sector

>H2 and beyond - You must have heard the story numerous times by now: behind the visible correction witnessed by the entire luxury sector over the last months lies a growing uncertainty over the outlook for H2. Current expectations call for a y-o-y reacceleration, but this prospect is not well supported by the most recent evidence provided on both the micro and macro fronts. If one looks at growth from 2019 witnessed over 2023 for the sector as a whole, it stands in o...

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