NCN1T Nordecon International

Construction contract (Port Athena commercial and office complex)

Construction contract (Port Athena commercial and office complex)

AS Nordecon group company Embach Ehitus OÜ and Kaarsilla Kinnisvara OÜ signed a contract for the construction of a building complex in the Port Athena quarter at Tartu, Väike-Turu 7. The planned group of buildings consists of four six-story and one seven-story building. The common underground floor is mostly used as a parking facility. Commercial and office spaces will be located on the ground floors of the buildings.

The cost of the contract is 26 million euros, plus VAT. The construction period of the complex is 30 months.

Nordecon () is a group of construction companies whose core business is construction project management and general contracting in the buildings and infrastructures segment. Geographically the Group operates in Estonia, Ukraine and Sweden. The parent of the Group is Nordecon AS, a company registered and located in Tallinn, Estonia. The consolidated revenue of the Group in 2023 was 278 million euros. Currently Nordecon Group employs close to 560 people. Since 18 May 2006 the company's shares have been quoted in the main list of the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange.

Andri Hõbemägi

Nordecon AS

Head of Investor Relations





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Reports on Nordecon International


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