NTRS Northern Trust Corporation

Avanza Fonder Appoints Northern Trust to Provide Integrated Trading Solutions

Northern Trust (Nasdaq: NTRS) today announced its outsourced trading desk is supporting Avanza Fonder, a Stockholm-based fund company providing services for private clients.

Founded in 2006, Avanza Fonder is a wholly owned subsidiary of Avanza Bank Holding AB (publ). The fund company manages funds in-house and in collaboration with other managers. Northern Trust will provide outsourced trading primarily for Avanza Fonder’s Global, Emerging Market, European and US equity market index funds.

Gerard Walsh, global head of Client Solutions Banking & Markets, at Northern Trust, said: “We are delighted to be working with Avanza Fonder, a leading fund manager in the Nordic region, to support them across the trading spectrum through an integrated middle-and back-office solution. Our customised services will help Avanza Fonder navigate ongoing global market challenges, allowing them to focus on managing the assets entrusted to them, whilst we work with them to effectively manage the trade and post trade lifecycle.”

Petra Sjogeras, head of Nordics at Northern Trust, said: “We are proud to partner with Avanza Fonder as we continue to expand in the Nordic region. We see Nordic managers facing global challenges of rising costs and market volatility. Our Integrated Trading Solution enhances the efficiency of Avanza Fonder’s operating model, mitigates operational challenges and risks and supports the scalability and growth of their business.”

Jesper Bonnivier, CEO of Avanza Fonder, said: “After opting to bring the management of our index funds in-house, we aimed to find a solution that would streamline our trading processes so we could concentrate on what matters most, which is to achieve outstanding results for our clients. By collaborating with Northern Trust and utilizing their ITS platform, we’ve gained access to greater liquidity and scale, enabling us to drive growth and consistently surpass client expectations."

Northern Trust’s outsourced trading capability combines worldwide trading expertise in equities and fixed income, exchange traded derivatives, futures and exchange traded funds (ETFs) across global markets on an agency-only basis. The ITS platform helps asset owners and asset managers to meaningfully lower costs, reduce risk, manage regulatory compliance and enhance transparency and operational efficiency. ITS is offered through , a part of Northern Trust Banking & Markets which also provides foreign exchange, securities lending and transition management services.

About Avanza Fonder

Avanza Fonder is a wholly owned subsidiary of Avanza Bank Holding AB (publ). The fund company was founded in 2006 and the first of its own funds was Avanza Zero – Sweden’s first no-fee index fund – which was launched the same year. Avanza Fonder now has 23 of its own funds, 11 of which it manages itself and 12 that are managed in collaboration with Amundi, TIN Fonder, FCG Fonder, NRP Anaxo Management AS, ARK Investment Management LTD, Coeli Asset Management, HealthInvest Partners AB och Captor Fund Management AB.

About Northern Trust Banking & Markets

Northern Trust Banking & Markets is comprised of a number of Northern Trust entities that provide trading and execution services on behalf of institutional clients, including foreign exchange, institutional brokerage, securities finance and transition management services. Foreign exchange, securities finance and transition management services are provided by The Northern Trust Company (TNTC) globally, and Northern Trust Global Services SE (NTGS SE) in the European Economic Area (EEA). Institutional Brokerage services including ITS are provided by NTGS SE in the EEA, Northern Trust Securities LLP (NTS LLP) in the rest of EMEA, Northern Trust Securities Australia Pty Ltd (NTSA) in APAC and Northern Trust Securities, Inc. (NTSI) in the United States, member FINRA, SIPC and a subsidiary of Northern Trust Corporation.

About Northern Trust

Northern Trust Corporation (Nasdaq: NTRS) is a leading provider of wealth management, asset servicing, asset management and banking to corporations, institutions, affluent families and individuals. Founded in Chicago in 1889, Northern Trust has a global presence with offices in 24 U.S. states and Washington, D.C., and across 22 locations in Canada, Europe, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region. As of September 30, 2024, Northern Trust had assets under custody/administration of US$17.4 trillion, and assets under management of US$1.6 trillion. For more than 135 years, Northern Trust has earned distinction as an industry leader for exceptional service, financial expertise, integrity and innovation. Visit us on . Follow us on (formerly Twitter) @NorthernTrust or Northern Trust Corporation on .

Northern Trust Corporation, Head Office: 50 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 U.S.A., incorporated with limited liability in the U.S. Global legal and regulatory information can be found at



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