Oculis to Present at Upcoming March Investor Conference

Oculis to Present at Upcoming March Investor Conference

ZUG, Switzerland, March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oculis Holding AG (Nasdaq: OCS / ICX: OCS.IC) (“Oculis”), a global biopharmaceutical company purposefully driven to save sight and improve eye care, today announced that Oculis will be attending and presenting at the following upcoming investor conference:

Leerink Global Healthcare Conference

Presenter: Sylvia Cheung, Chief Financial Officer

Presentation date and time: March 11, 2025 at 3:00pm ET

Location: Miami Beach, FL

The Company will be available for one-on-one meetings during the conference. Interested investors should contact their respective representative at the sponsoring institution to request meetings.

A live webcast of the fireside chat can also be accessed by visiting the Oculis website on the section under Investors & Media.

About Oculis

Oculis is a global biopharmaceutical company (Nasdaq: OCS; XICE: OCS) purposefully driven to save sight and improve eye care. Oculis’ highly differentiated pipeline of multiple innovative product candidates in development includes: OCS-01, a topical eye drop candidate for diabetic macular edema; Privosegtor (OCS-05), a neuroprotective candidate for acute optic neuritis with potentially broad clinical applications in other neuro-ophthalmic diseases and Licaminlimab (OCS-02), a topical biologic anti-TNFα eye drop candidate for dry eye disease. Headquartered in Switzerland with operations in the U.S. and Iceland, Oculis is led by an experienced management team with a successful track record and supported by leading international healthcare investors.

For more information, please visit:

Oculis Contacts

Ms. Sylvia Cheung, CFO

Investor & Media Relations

LifeSci Advisors

Corey Davis, Ph.D.



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