VLS Valneva SE

Declaration of shares and voting rights - Valneva SE - June 30, 2024

Declaration of shares and voting rights - Valneva SE - June 30, 2024


Declaration of shares and voting rights

June 30, 2024


Company name: VALNEVA

Registered office: 6 rue Alain Bombard, 44800 Saint-Herblain (France)

Regulated market of Euronext Paris - Compartment B

Declaration date: July 4, 2024

Number of shares

composing the share capital of Valneva
Total number of voting rights including suspended voting rights* Description of the change Date on which this change was recognized Total number of voting rights excluding suspended voting rights**


ordinary shares with a par value of €0.15 each
157,644,580 Transfer into bearer form of 750,000 shares with double voting rights


 Double voting rights granted on 7,015 ordinary shares
Between June 1 &

June 30, 2024


* Theoretical voting rights. This number is used as the basis for calculating threshold crossings. In accordance with Article 223-11 of the AMF General Regulations, this number is calculated on the basis of all shares to which voting rights are attached, including those for which voting rights have been suspended.

** Net (or exercisable at a General Meeting) voting rights.




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Reports on Valneva SE


Déclaration d’actions et de droits de vote - Valneva SE - 30 juin 2024

Déclaration d’actions et de droits de vote - Valneva SE - 30 juin 2024 VALNEVA Déclaration d’actions et de droits de vote 30 juin 2024__________________________________________________________________________________________ Dénomination sociale : VALNEVAAdresse du siège social : 6 rue Alain Bombard, 44800 Saint-HerblainMarché réglementé Euronext Paris - Compartiment B Date de la déclaration : 4 juillet 2024 Nombre d’actions composant le capital de Valneva Nombre total de droits de vote incluant les droits de v...


Declaration of shares and voting rights - Valneva SE - June 30, 2024

Declaration of shares and voting rights - Valneva SE - June 30, 2024 VALNEVA Declaration of shares and voting rights June 30, 2024__________________________________________________________________________________________ Company name: VALNEVARegistered office: 6 rue Alain Bombard, 44800 Saint-Herblain (France)Regulated market of Euronext Paris - Compartment B Declaration date: July 4, 2024 Number of shares composing the share capital of Valneva Total number of voting rights including suspended voting rights* ...

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Transfer of coverage

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