Festi hf.: Changes in Festi‘s Executive Management

Festi hf.: Changes in Festi‘s Executive Management

Magnús Hafliðason has been appointed Managing Director of N1 and will join Festi's Executive Management Team early next year.

Magnús is a seasoned operations and marketing professional with over 25 years of experience in Iceland and Scandinavia. For the past three years, he has served as CEO of Domino’s Iceland. Previously, he was Managing Director of Domino’s Denmark (2006–2007), Operations and Marketing Director of Domino’s Iceland (2011–2014), Managing Director of Domino’s Norway (2014–2017), and International Operations and Marketing Specialist for Domino’s Pizza Group (2018–2019). Magnús also served as Managing Director of Joe & The Juice (2019–2020) and later as Head of Marketing and Communications at Sýn (2020–2021). He holds an Executive MBA from the University of Iceland.

“We are thrilled to welcome Magnús Hafliðason to our team. We firmly believe he is the right person to lead N1 forward. His expertise and extensive experience in operations, marketing, and customer-centric technological services will be invaluable as N1 continues its transformative journey. Magnús will take the reins of a strong organisation, well-positioned amid the ongoing energy transition and poised for further growth. We warmly welcome him and look forward to our collaboration,” said Ásta Sigríður Fjeldsted, CEO of Festi.

“It is a great honour to take on the role of Managing Director of N1, a company with a history dating back to 1913. N1 has been a leader in its markets, and I am excited for the opportunities linked to building on its solid foundation and guiding the company into the future. There is exciting work ahead, and the company is uniquely positioned to strengthen its role in line with ongoing societal changes. I am eagerly anticipating the challenges ahead and look forward to working with the talented team at N1,” said Magnús Hafliðason.

In addition to Magnús's appointment, Reynir Leósson will assume the role of Deputy Managing Director of N1. Reynir, who has been Director of Corporate Sales and Service for the past three years, will continue in that role while taking on broader responsibilities within the company to support its further development and expansion.

“Reynir is an exceptionally capable leader who has achieved strong results over recent years, bolstering our position in the corporate market. His skills will continue to benefit the company and our customers in his new role,” said Ásta Sigríður Fjeldsted, CEO of Festi.



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