ICESEA Iceland Seafood International hf

Iceland Seafood International hf: Information related to Annual General Meeting

Iceland Seafood International hf: Information related to Annual General Meeting

As previously announced Annual General Meeting of Iceland Seafood International hf will be held on Thursday 26 March at 4pm.  The meeting will be held at Hilton Reykjavík Nordica, Suðurlandsbraut 2, 108 Reykjavík. 

The deadline for notification of candidacy to the Board of Directors was on March 21th. Below is a list of candidates for the Board of Directors: 

Bergþor Baldvinsson, CEO of Nesfiskur. Has been the CEO of Nesfiskur since 1979. Nesfiskur and it‘s subsidiaries employ around 400 people today.

Birna Einarsdóttir, was the CEO of Íslandsbanki hf from 2008-2023. Birna has over 30 years of experience in the banking sector, both in Íslandsbanki and in the Royal Bank of Scotland.

Halldór Leifsson, Marketing and Sales director of FISK Seafood ehf. Halldór has held various management positions within the seafood industry for the last 30 years.

Ingunn Agnes Kro, was the General Manager of Jarðvarmi slhf, holding company from 2020-2023.  Prior to that Ingunn was in various positions at Skeljungur hf from 2009-2019. Ingunn sits on the board of various listed and unlisted companies in Iceland. 

Jakob Valgeir Flosason, the CEO of Jakob Valgeir ehf. Jakob has been a board member of Iceland Seafood since February 2019 and has a long experience in the seafood industry.


Gunnlaugur Karl Hreinsson, Chairman and owner of GPG seafood. Gunnlaugur has decades of experience within the seafood sector. 

According to the Articles of Association of the Company, the Board of Directors shall be comprised of five members and up to two alternate members.  Consequently, the above candidates will be elected to the Board without a ballot at the meeting. 

Further information in relation to the Annual General Meeting are on the Company's website 



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