INGR Ingredion Incorporated

Ingredion Invests $50 Million in Cedar Rapids, Iowa Facility to Expand Specialty Industrial Starch Capacity for Packaging and Papermaking Industries

Ingredion Invests $50 Million in Cedar Rapids, Iowa Facility to Expand Specialty Industrial Starch Capacity for Packaging and Papermaking Industries

WESTCHESTER, Ill., Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), a leading global provider of ingredient solutions for food, beverage and industrial applications, announced today a $50 million investment in its Cedar Rapids, Iowa facility to modernize and expand the production of industrial starches for the packaging and papermaking industries.

“Demand is growing for functional solutions that deliver against more stringent requirements for strength, biodegradability and recyclability across both containerboard and papermaking,” said Rob Ritchie, senior vice president, food and industrial ingredients, LATAM and US/Canada. “Ingredion is committed to supporting these industries as they adapt and innovate to meet a variety of changing consumer and environmental requirements, such as the need for stronger natural polymer-based food packaging. With increased capacity and more efficient production at the Cedar Rapids facility, Ingredion will be well-positioned to deliver differentiated value to this growing market.”

Ingredion is a recognized leader in providing performance-based specialty ingredients that contribute to the circular economy of the paper and packaging industries.


Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR) headquartered in the suburbs of Chicago, is a leading global ingredient solutions provider serving customers in more than 120 countries. With 2024 annual net sales of approximately $7.4 billion, the Company turns grains, fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based materials into value-added ingredient solutions for the food, beverage, animal nutrition, brewing and industrial markets. With Ingredion Idea Labs® innovation centers around the world and more than 11,000 employees, the company co-creates with customers and fulfills its purpose of bringing the potential of people, nature, and technology together to make life better. Visit for more information and the latest Company news.


Noah Weiss, 773-896-5242

Rick Wion, 708-209-6323



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