ORNBV Orion Oyj Class B

Orion and Aiforia extend collaboration to preclinical study evaluations

Orion and Aiforia extend collaboration to preclinical study evaluations



5 MARCH 2025 at 9.00 EET


Orion and Aiforia extend collaboration to preclinical study evaluations

Orion Corporation (“Orion”) and Aiforia Technologies Plc (“Aiforia”), a Finnish medical software company, today announced the extension of their collaboration to include the use of Aiforia's software solution for preclinical study evaluations. This collaboration will involve implementing the Aiforia®Studies module within Orion's preclinical histology processes, as well as joint development to further automate and improve the study evaluation workflow of preclinical pathologists.

“We are thrilled to deepen our partnership with Aiforia; the Aiforia®Studies module aligns perfectly with our commitment to advancing pharmaceutical research and development. By leveraging Aiforia's AI-based image analysis and reporting tools, we expect faster and more efficient pathological evaluations, reducing the time required from pathologists to assess sample slides and improving the accuracy of our preclinical studies. We look forward to the valuable insights and advancements this partnership will bring,” says Riikka Oksala, Director, DMPK & Safety Sciences, R&D, Orion.

“We are extremely pleased to expand our collaboration with Orion. The Aiforia®Studies module is specifically designed for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry and their preclinical histology studies. It is exciting to collaborate with this innovative pharmaceutical company to gain valuable insights into their requirements and further develop our offering for this sector. Through this collaboration, we will strengthen our preclinical portfolio that already spans from the discovery phase to safety studies, and seamlessly integrates with our AI-based image analysis tools,” says Jukka Tapaninen, CEO, Aiforia.

About Aiforia Technologies Plc        

Aiforia is a trusted provider of deep learning artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for pathology. Aiforia delivers software solutions that elevate diagnostic capabilities in image analysis, enabling remarkable medical discoveries now and in the future. With thousands of AI models already developed on the Aiforia platform for research use and several diagnostic solutions deployed, Aiforia is already significantly impacting pathology and healthcare.

Founded in 2013, Aiforia is a publicly traded company operating internationally with thousands of platform users across the globe. The company is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, with offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Rochester, Minnesota, and local representatives across Europe and North America. The diverse team at Aiforia includes experienced pathologists, medical scientists, AI and software developers, and a dedicated commercial team. Together, they are working to transform pathology with AI, enabling better care for each patient. Find out more at 

About Orion Corporation

Orion is a globally operating Finnish pharmaceutical company – a builder of well-being for over a hundred years. We develop, manufacture and market human and veterinary pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. Orion has an extensive portfolio of proprietary and generic medicines and consumer health products. The core therapy areas of our pharmaceutical R&D are oncology and pain. Proprietary products developed by Orion are used to treat cancer, neurological diseases and respiratory diseases, among others. Orion's net sales in 2024 amounted to EUR 1,542 million and the company had about 3,700 employees at the end of the year. Orion's A and B shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.


Contact person:

Riikka Oksala,

Director, DMPK & Safety Sciences, R&D, Orion Corporation

Tel. +358 10 426 7413

Contact person for the media:

Terhi Ormio, VP, Communications

Tel. +358 10 426 4646


Orion Corporation


Orionintie 1A, FI-02200 Espoo, Finland

Orion is a globally operating Finnish pharmaceutical company – a builder of well-being for over a hundred years. We develop, manufacture and market human and veterinary pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. Orion has an extensive portfolio of proprietary and generic medicines and consumer health products. The core therapy areas of our pharmaceutical R&D are oncology and pain. Proprietary products developed by Orion are used to treat cancer, neurological diseases and respiratory diseases, among others. Orion's net sales in 2024 amounted to EUR 1,542 million and the company had about 3,700 employees at the end of the year. Orion's A and B shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.



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