SYA Sayona Mining

Lucas Dow appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer

Lucas Dow appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer

MONTRÉAL, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- North American lithium producer Sayona Mining Limited (“Sayona”) (ASX:SYA; OTCQB:SYAXF) is pleased to announce that Mr. Lucas Dow has been appointed to the role of Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO) effective 3 July 2024.

Lucas first joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director on 14 February 2024 and will now assume the MD & CEO role with a hand over from Interim CEO, James Brown. It is expected James will remain as an Executive Director until 31 January 2025 to facilitate the hand over and business continuity after which he will return to a Non-Executive Director role.

Lucas is a highly experienced mining executive with a proven track record of outstanding performance across a diverse range of businesses, commodities and geographies, skills which will facilitate Sayona’s next stage of growth as a leading North American lithium producer.

Lucas has led resources organisations at the Chief Executive Officer level and held executive and Non-Executive Director roles in both listed and unlisted entities. As a mining engineer with extensive hands-on operational experience in both the mining resources and the renewable energy sector, he is well versed in global resource trends and growth markets.

Commenting on the appointment, Lucas said: “I am thrilled to lead a company with such outstanding potential. Sayona is fortunate to have multiple emerging tier one assets including North American Lithium (NAL) and Moblan which will underpin the success of the business into the future.

“I would like to thank and acknowledge James for his significant efforts as Interim CEO over the last ten months where he has overseen the very successful ramp up of NAL. The operation is now delivering industry leading results for plant utilisation and recovery both of which are a testament to the commitment and leadership of James and the operational team in Quebec.”

Sayona’s Interim CEO, James Brown said, “The Board are pleased to appoint Lucas as the MD & CEO to lead Sayona through the next stages of the Company’s development. We are fortunate to have secured someone with such extensive technical and corporate experience.

“I am confident that under Lucas' leadership, Sayona will further enhance its market position with a dynamic future and a steadfast commitment to excellence in the lithium sector.

“I would also like to take the opportunity to thank our President Canada Sylvain Collard and the entire Sayona team in Quebec and Australia for their unwavering support and commitment throughout my time as Interim CEO.”

Appointment of President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Canada

Sylvain Collard has been appointed to the role of President and COO of the Canada operations after joining Sayona in October 2022. Sylvain is responsible for the Company’s projects in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue hub including NAL operations, and Eeyou Istchee James Bay hub in northern Québec, including exploration and development of the Moblan Lithium Project.

Sylvain is a specialist in mine project management, continuous process improvement and has extensive experience in operations management for both open pit and underground mines.

During his career, Sylvain has worked on several IAMGOLD mining projects, notably as manager of a major capital project at the Essakane mine in Burkina Faso, where 3,500 workers were under his direction. He has also managed copper and gold mines and projects in Québec, Ontario and the United States.

Interim CEO, James Brown said, “Sylvain’s appointment as President and COO of our Canadian operations underscores his strong leadership and deep operational insight since joining Sayona in 2022.

“With extensive experience in mine project management and operations across diverse environments, including significant roles at IAMGOLD and various mining projects in Canada and abroad, Sylvain is ideally positioned to lead our strategic initiatives in Québec and drive continued growth and excellence.”

Issued on behalf of the Board.

For more information, please contact:
Andrew Barber Bianca Galimi

Director of Investor Relations Director of Communication and Community Relations
Ph:  Ph.. : 819 856-3288
Email:  Email :

About Sayona Mining

Sayona Mining Limited is a North American lithium producer (ASX:SYA; OTCQB:SYAXF), with projects in Québec, Canada and Western Australia.

In Québec, Sayona’s assets comprise North American Lithium together with the Authier Lithium Project and the Tansim Lithium Project, supported by a strategic partnership with American lithium developer Piedmont Lithium Inc. Sayona also holds a 60% stake in the Moblan Lithium Project in northern Québec.

In Western Australia, the Company holds a large tenement portfolio in the Pilbara region prospective for gold and lithium. Sayona is exploring for Hemi style gold targets in the world class Pilbara region, while its lithium projects include Company-owned leases and those subject to a joint venture with Morella Corporation.

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