Research Team ACF

AsiaFIN Holdings Corp (ASFH) Update 07032024

AsiaFIN Holdings Corp. (OTCQB : ASFH) – strategic changes suggest growth plan accelerated further. There is enormous effort and significant change going into new products for organic growth and ambitious acquisition plans. As a result we have rebased our forecasts, cutting our full expected dilution and 4Q and YE24E estimates in favour of a higher NPV overall for our 5 year DCF. We have nevertheless remained extremely conservative. We do not believe that the US tariff policies will have any impact on initial ASFH expansion plans. No US product launches are captured in our valuation here or our initiation note . We raise our valuation range 31% post new money from the 20 January 2025 8k WCAP raise filing (US$ 327.6k) as per forecast.
AsiaFIN Holdings Corp

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