ACF Equity Research

ACF Equity Research is an independent research house specialising in the highest specification independent equity research for corporate clients.

We deliver premium independent corporate sponsored equity research characterised by its accuracy, clarity and foresight based upon a fundamental valuation approach.

Our independent research is designed to educate our professional investor readers  with an emphasis on clear and accurate explanations. Our mission is to improve company’s liquidity through credible equity research services, excellent international distribution and reliable access for investment managers.

We believe in the importance and value of clarity, the careful articulation of technical ideas, concepts and solutions.

Our team of analysts are independently minded individuals who believe in thoroughness, technical competence and clear punchy communications.

Research Team ACF
  • Research Team ACF

ACF Thematic Research Regenerative Medicine Diabetes Treatment & Innov...

Diabetes mellitus, Type 1 (T1D) and Type 2 (T2D, 85-90% of cases), is a USD ~75bn global therapy market. Global economic costs of diabetes may exceed USD1 trn today and USD 450bn in the US, suggesting a pressing global health challenge. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. In 2024, consensus global estimates suggested there were ~800m adult diabetes sufferers. In 2021, according to the IDF there >530m sufferers globally. For 2027E we modestly forecas...

Research Team ACF
  • Research Team ACF

AsiaFIN Holdings Corp (ASFH) Pre-Results 4Q24 12032025

AsiaFIN Holdings Corp. (OTCQB : ASFH) – provides IP protected fintech solutions to ASEAN (excluding China & India) based financial institutions / corporates. ASFH has powerful ambitions to expand far beyond its region. The drive by many economies to progress to entirely digital payments economies has reached natural resistance points that can be overcome by ASFH’s solutions. We are expecting 4Q24 numbers to beat our current forecasts. 4Q has been ASFH’s most significant quarter historically. ASF...

Research Team ACF
  • Research Team ACF

AsiaFIN Holdings Corp (ASFH) Update 07032024

AsiaFIN Holdings Corp. (OTCQB : ASFH) – strategic changes suggest growth plan accelerated further. There is enormous effort and significant change going into new products for organic growth and ambitious acquisition plans. As a result we have rebased our forecasts, cutting our full expected dilution and 4Q and YE24E estimates in favour of a higher NPV overall for our 5 year DCF. We have nevertheless remained extremely conservative. We do not believe that the US tariff policies will have any impa...

Research Team ACF
  • Research Team ACF

NLS Pharmaceutics (NLSP) Core Investment Case 13022025

NLS Pharmaceutics (NLSP:NasdaqCM) is a clinical-stage Swiss foreign issuer biotech advancing the Dual Orexin Receptor Agonist (DOXA) platform, a next-generation approach to treating neurological, neurodegenerative (NDD), and metabolic disorders. The DOXA platform is designed to restore orexin signaling and modulate neuroinflammatory pathways, offering a possible market leading approach to sleep-wake disorders, ALS, and other NDDs. The DOXA platform presents a high-value opportunity for breakthro...

Research Team ACF
  • Research Team ACF

Kadimastem (KDST.TA) Core Investment Case 11022025

Kadimastem (KDST.TA:TASE) is an Israeli-based clinical-stage cell therapy company pioneering regenerative medicine for insulin dependent type 1 diabetes (T1D) (no more injections) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). KDST has a proprietary stem-cell differentiation platform for scalable therapies designed to replace lost or damaged cells. KDST’s T1D IsletRx program aims to revolutionize insulin production for diabetes patients using off-the-shelf allogeneic encapsulated pancreatic islet cell...

ACF Healthcare
  • ACF Healthcare

Coeptistx (COEP) Deverra Deal Flash Note 21082023

Coeptis Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: COEP), post Deverra deal is a Phase 1 clinical stage biotech (previously pre-clinical) in the oncology space. COEP’s exclusive license deal with Deverra for DVX201 (two products ’54’ & ‘16’ provides access to Deverra’s no-HLA-matching platform asset onto which COEP’s SNAP-CAR and GEAR platforms could dovetail’ and create a potentially very broad application set of immune technologies. Deverra’s proprietary allogeneic stem cell platform side steps patient donor ...

ACF Extractives
  • ACF Extractives

Ionic Rare Earths Ltd (IXR) Core Investment Case UPDATE 15082023

Ionic Rare Earths Ltd (ASX:IXR) is a rare earths mining explorer (Uganda) and REO magnet recycling company (Belfast, UK). Rare earth elements primary use is in the production of permanent magnets – key components of clean energy applications (wind turbines and electric vehicles). IXR’s flagship Makuutu Rare Earths project is significant given its ionic adsorption clayhosted geology - similar to that found in projects in Southern China, main global supplier of Heavy Rare Earths. IXR currently hol...

ACF Healthcare
  • ACF Healthcare

Coeptis Therapeutics Inc. (COEP) YE22 1Q23 & DeSPAC 29062023

Coeptis Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: COEP) is a pre-clinical stage biopharmaceutical Corp focused on fighting cancer via a pipeline of potentially novel products targeting CD38+ related unmet need and solid tumor cancers. The YE22A results show wash through of the SPAC merger and redemptions, which may run around ~90%. The 1Q23A results add additional insights into operational costs in particular. During YE22A raise ‘costs’ are dominated by warrant liabilities and redemptions. The diagnostics plat...

ACF Mining
  • ACF Mining

ESG Sustainability Report 2023 Metals & Mining ASX - 13062023.pdf

ACF Equity Research’s ESG / Sustainability Report for ASX small and mid-cap miners is designed to help investors make fast simple initial filtering decisions. For firms it helps them identify investor messaging opportunities and support their ESG / Sustainability investor strategy. Stock price and index performance data shows that companies with ESG metrics outperform the major indices.

ACF Energy
  • ACF Energy

Kibo Energy (KIBO) Flash Note Warrants Offering ACF Equity Research 19...

Kibo Energy Plc (dual listed KIBO:AIM, JSE:KBO) a renewable, reserve energy, LDES and biofuel corp., last week announced a repriced warrant offer that should unblock arious decision mechanisms (including spinoffs), which would be in the interest of the majority of investors. We note management (current + previous) is committing >£700k of its own capital via the CLN conversion. Exercising the repriced warrants on the JSE appears the logical approach. The S. African s/p arbitrage puts the repriced...

Perpetua Resources Corp. (PPTA) Core Investment Case UPDATE ACF Equity...

Perpetua Resources Corp. (Nasdaq: PPTA; TSX: PPTA) is a gold-antimony-silver deposits developer in the stable mining jurisdiction of Stibnite-Yellow Pine, Idaho. PPTA’s Stibnite open-pit gold (Au) project is one of the highest grade US deposits Compared with the 2020 FS after-tax NPV of $1.86bn (assumptions: 5% discount rate, gold $1,850/oz)  antimony (M+I 206Mlbs) is a potentially exciting byproduct. PPTA’s MCap is at an ~90% discount to the FS suggesting a significant potential mispricing. Sin...

ACF Extractives
  • ACF Extractives

Silver Thematic ACF Equity Research 11082022

Silver (Ag) is half store of value and half industrial metal. A hawkish Federal Reserve and spiking bond yields will create significant headwinds for the Ag price 2H22E. Any expectations for global recession, leading to an industrial cycle downturn will  also push the silver price down. In 2H22E we assess that both weakening industrial activity (>50% of global silver demand) and monetary policy trends will exert downward pressure on silver’s price. Beyond YE22E the physical silver supply deficit...

Uranium Market Briefing Note FINAL 25092019

Uranium’s (U3O8) main use is as a fuel in the production of electricity by nuclear power stations. The uranium market is complex, illiquid (thinly traded) and opaque. Directly or indirectly State-controlled producers account for up to 70% of global production and these players do not have to follow economic logic unlike the companies without State subsidy. The majority of consumption (power stations) are geographically and often politically far from the majority of production (mines). Consumptio...

Research Team ACF
  • Research Team ACF

ACF Thematic Research Regenerative Medicine Diabetes Treatment & Innov...

Diabetes mellitus, Type 1 (T1D) and Type 2 (T2D, 85-90% of cases), is a USD ~75bn global therapy market. Global economic costs of diabetes may exceed USD1 trn today and USD 450bn in the US, suggesting a pressing global health challenge. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. In 2024, consensus global estimates suggested there were ~800m adult diabetes sufferers. In 2021, according to the IDF there >530m sufferers globally. For 2027E we modestly forecas...

Research Team ACF
  • Research Team ACF

ACF Insight - Innovations in Oncology - the Future of Cancer Treatment...

Global oncology spending is projected to reach US$409bn by 2028E, up from US$223bn in 2023A at a 5yr CAGR of 11.5-14.5% from 2024-2028 (IQVIA, 2024). This growth is in part driven by US spending, which has increased to $99bn in 2023A up from $65bn in 2019A - the US makes up ~45% of global oncology spending.

Research Team ACF
  • Research Team ACF

Greenland mining

Unloved…Unknown…But Excellent? Greenland’s extraordinary potential for critical raw materials mining was again recognized in 2023, this time by the Centre for Minerals and Materials (MiMa, report published in June 2023). Greenland's stated aim is to attract greater (and sustainable) exploration and ultimately mining interest in Greenland’s estimated 400k km2 ice-free land blocks. Greenland's mineral potential is considered…vast.

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