Research Team ACF

AsiaFIN Holdings Corp (ASFH) Pre-Results 4Q24 12032025

AsiaFIN Holdings Corp. (OTCQB : ASFH) – provides IP protected fintech solutions to ASEAN (excluding China & India) based financial institutions / corporates. ASFH has powerful ambitions to expand far beyond its region. The drive by many economies to progress to entirely digital payments economies has reached natural resistance points that can be overcome by ASFH’s solutions. We are expecting 4Q24 numbers to beat our current forecasts. 4Q has been ASFH’s most significant quarter historically. ASFH operates in the fastest global growth segments in digital payments, RegTech and RPA and within the fastest growing region - Asia Pacific, in which ASFH’s home market, ASEAN, is located.
AsiaFIN Holdings Corp

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