
amLeague is a company registered in the Commercial Register of Geneva with a CHF 100 000 equity. Its founder, Antoine Briant, created AMR (Asset Management Rating) in July 1998, specialized in global asset-managers rating now a branch of FitchRatings. Technical and operational resources are located in Geneva. amLeague is neither a consultant, nor a fund manager, nor a multimanager. In 2014, amLeague is a Benchmark administrator and disclose its extent of compliance with the 19 IOSCO principles:

Do active managers create value?

‘Unrefined’ amLeague rankings show a clear ability from active asset-managers to add value compared to benchmark’s performance. However, this added value may be questioned because of several biases. In the following study, amLeague addresses in depth these biases. The ‘average’ active portfolio manager brings a yearly outperformance...​

amLeague_HERO Europe

amLeague_HERO Europe© index is designed to provide investors with a financial index that regularly deliver outperformance. Its purpose is to grant a higher importance to frequency rather than intensity of outperformance.Find in this report the main performance indicators of amLeague_HERO Europe© index

amleague_Low Beta Europe

The amLeague_Low Beta Europe© index is designed to provide investors with a low beta profile on the European stock market. Its purpose is to achieve a perfomance similar to the Benchmark Stoxx Europe 600 with a significantly lower risk indicators. Find in this report the main performance indicators of the amLeague_Low Beta Europe© index.

amLeague_Smooth Alpha Euro

​amLeague_Smooth Alpha Euro© index provide investors with a regular positive alpha. Its purpose is to favor steady outpperformance compared to the Euro Stoxx.Find in this report the main performance indicators of the amLeague_Smooth Alpha Euro© index.

amLeague_Low Beta Europe

The amLeague_Low Beta Europe© index combines the portfolio choices of the 3 amLeague Europe participants with the lowest beta relative to the Stoxx Europe 600 index. Find in this report its main performance indicators.

amLeague_HERO Europe

amLeague_HERO Europe© index is designed to provide investors with a financial index that regularly deliver outperformance. Its purpose is to grant a higher importance to frequency rather than intensity of outperformance.Find in this report the main performance indicators of amLeague_HERO Europe© index

amLeague_Smooth Alpha Euro

​amLeague_Smooth Alpha Euro© index provide investors with a regular positive alpha. Its purpose is to favor steady outpperformance compared to the Euro Stoxx.Find in this report the main performance indicators of the amLeague_Smooth Alpha Euro© index.

Do active managers create value?

‘Unrefined’ amLeague rankings show a clear ability from active asset-managers to add value compared to benchmark’s performance. However, this added value may be questioned because of several biases. In the following study, amLeague addresses in depth these biases. The ‘average’ active portfolio manager brings a yearly outperformance...​

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