Stephane Foucaud

AUCTUS ON FRIDAY - 28/06/2024

Chariot (CHAR LN)C: target price of £0.50 per share: Key step towards developing future gas to industry business onshore Morocco – Chariot has signed Heads of Terms with Vivo Energy for the future offtake from the Loukos onshore licence where natural gas has been encountered at Dartois. Up to 3 mmcf/d would be initially sold to the CNG midstream business under a long-term gas sales agreement. Vivo intends to design, fund, construct and operate a CNG plant and virtual distribution network to transport natural gas from a number of sources to existing and new industrial customers in Morocco. Chariot will have the option to own up to 49% of the CNG midstream business, with Vivo Energy holding the balance. Vivo might complement this domestic production with natural gas imported from Europe. Demand is the area is estimated at 10 mmcf/d. 3 mmcf/d gross production would imply 2.25 mmcf/d net to Chariot. At US$10-15/mcf, this would lead to ~US$8-12 mm revenue net to Chariot which would bring cash in to fund further growth of the business. We view the current share price weakness as an opportunity. The company is expected to test the Dartois discovery in 3Q24. In addition, the high impact Anchois East well continues to be expected to spud in August. A drilling success could increase the size of Anchois to over 1 tcf (300 bcf net to Chariot). Our overall unrisked NAV for Anchois, including Anchois East Footwall and Anchois East North Flank, is £0.42 per share. This represents >5 times the current share price.
See website for full report

Condor Energies (CDR CN)C; Operation update in Uzbekistan – Production in the second quarter to date was ~10 mboe/d. The production decline rate has been flattened (>20% per year previously) and the company is embarking a an extensive initial work-over campaign that includes installing proven artificial lift equipment to yield higher gas flow rates and increase well uptime, perforating newly identified pay intervals, performing downhole stimulation treatments, and isolating identified water intervals. There are > 100 wells associated with the Project, both existing and shut-in wells. Condor has also started construction of the first in-line flow separation unit, which separates water from the gas streams in the field, rather than at the production facility, thereby reducing pipeline flow pressure that can lead to higher reservoir flow rates.

Criterium Energy (CEQ CN)C: target price of C$0.35 per share: Results of work-over campaign above expectations. New drilling to start in August – The work-over programme has delivered a production increase of 180 bbl/d from six wells at a total cost of US$0.36 mm. This represents an average increase of ~30 bbl/d, which is 50% above management’s expectations (20 bbl/d). The overall costs are on budget. One of the worked-over wells, MGH-07, is now producing 40 mcf/d of natural gas (no natural gas production previously). The produced gas is used as fuel for power generation, directly reducing diesel consumption by 50%, resulting in an annualized operating cost savings of ~US$0.25 mm and reducing emissions (0.5ktpa) associated with Criterium’s operations at the same time. The payback period for five out of the six work-overs is estimated to be only 15-85 days and the aggregate program will have paid back by end of June. Production has now increased from 802 bbl/d in 1Q24 (and 870 bbl/d in late May) to ~910 bbl/d with two additional work-overs on stream compared to the end of May. A further 6-9 workovers are planned in 2024. The next work-over programme will start in July. Criterium has also identified follow-on workovers targeting gas zones within the field to ensure gas production can support power generation needs, reducing operating costs. Drilling operations are expected to start in August with two wells expected to be completed by the end of 3Q24. Criterium continues to anticipate the completion of the divestment of Bulu for US$7.75 mm by the end of August. This would have a very positive impact on the company’s balance sheet and its ability to increase production. Including the divestment of Bulu, we forecast YE24 net debt of US$14 mm, which could be reduced further by paying down the existing debt in return for additional write-down.
See website for full report

Longboat Energy (LBE LN)C; Resources estimates in Malaysia – Block 2A has been estimated to hold unrisked prospective resources (Pmean) of 9.1 tcf plus 146 mmbbl of condensates.

Serica Energy (SQZ LN)C: target price of £2.90 per share: Initiating coverage – Serica Energy is a ~US800 mm market cap company with >40 mboe/d production and 140 mmboe of 2P reserves in the UK North Sea. The investment case is about value and generous shareholder distributions. The strategy is to maximize the value of two key producing hubs, depending on the UK’s tax policy, to develop a third one at Buchan Horst and to grow via M&A. Over the last 2 years, the share price has been negatively impacted by the reduction in UK gas prices and fiscal uncertainty. Serica’s dividend yield is now ~15% and the share price appears to more than discount a really “worst case” for the now relative certainty that the tax regime will change. The new management that joined in 2024 is looking to maintain the strong legacy of the firm including through smart M&A across the wider North Sea and the UK. Our £2.90/sh target price reflects our ReNAV. It implies ~85% upside.
See website for full report

Serica Energy (SQZ LN)C: target price of £2.90 per share: Operations on track. High net cash – 2023 production to date was 43,781 boe/d. very close to our expectations of 44.3 mboe/d. Production in June at the Bruce Hub of 25,771 boe/d was particularly strong following the recent Light Well Intervention Vessel campaign. This partially offsets the low production in May at the Triton Hub following a trip of a compressor that shut down production for three weeks (the production at Triton has been restored since then). A 90 day well intervention campaign at Bruce from mid-July is likely to have a further positive impact on production. Bruce is expected to be shut down for maintenance for only one week in 3Q24. The second compressor at Triton (which provides redundancy) is expected to be repaired in October due to spare part lead time issues. Meanwhile, with a single compressor in operation, the risk of production shutdown is higher. However, with the platform expected to be shut down for maintenance for 40 days from 1 July, the period of vulnerability is only 1.5 to 2.5 months. The Bittern B1z sidetrack has encountered an oil filled reservoir in line with expectations. We carry an additional ~3 mbbl/d production from this well once on stream. Keith is now on stream with intermittent production. Production is expected to be continuous once the topsides at the Bruce platform are optimized. This is expected to be resolved in a few weeks’ time. Erskine is offline for the planned turnaround of the Lomond platform. The field is expected to restart in late July. The current run rate dividend implies a yield of ~17%.
See website for full report

Tethys Oil (TETY SS)C; target price of SEK100 per share: Production update in Oman – WI production from Blocks 3&4 in May was 7.5 mbbl/d. Production continued to be impacted by the extreme weather conditions reported in April. As of the middle of May, production and exports have resumed on all fields.

Valeura Energy (VLE CN)C: target price of C$9.30 per share: Operational blip offers an opportunity for investors – Production at Wassana has been suspended following the discovery of a crack within one of the MOPU’s steel jack-up legs that could pose a risk to the structural integrity of the MOPU. The company is conducting further inspections and analysis to plan next steps. Further visibility is expected in the coming weeks. Pending further details, we are assuming no production at Wassana during 2H24 (~4 mbbl/d previously). We are also reducing our opex forecast for 2H24 by US$12 mm (50% of US$24 mm during 2H24). Under a worst case scenario, production at Wassana will be restored when the extended Wassana field will be redeveloped (~2026-2027). It is worthwhile to note that the situation with the Wassana MOPU has no impact on the redevelopment plan of Wassana. We understand that the repair or the change of the MOPU are unlikely to be covered by insurance. We now forecast ~21.1 mbbl/d production in 2024 (23.2 mbbl/d previously).
See website for full report

Zephyr Energy (ZPHR LN)C: target price of £0.12 per share: Reducing the cost of debt. Testing at State 36-2R to start imminently – The FY23 operating cashflow after interests of ~US$9 mm was above our forecasts (US$7 mm) due to change of working capital. We expected a negative change of working capital given (1) Zephyr had to make advance payments for the remedial of the State 36-2R well ahead of being reimbursed by the insurance and (2) the fact that the proceeds of the production for the Slawson wells were not received until part way through 1H24. Zephyr’s revolving credit facility (RCF) has been redetermined with an unchanged borrowing base (compared to December 2023) of US$15.15 mm. The same lender, longstanding North Dakota-based commercial bank FIBT, has also provided Zephyr with a new term loan of US$5.6 mm. Overall, Zephyr now holds ~US$29 mm of debt (~US$30 mm previously), including the existing US$8.75 mm amortising term loan, as the more expensive US$6 mm bridge loan has been repaid out of the proceeds of the new term loan. The terms of the bridge loan included 12% per annum interest rate plus 1% royalty interest on the production associated with the new Williston wells. The overall average interest rate is now 9.5% per annum (10% per annum previously). The imminent focus remains the testing of the State 36-2R well that is currently cleaning-up. Zephyr had used very heavy mud to keep the well balanced while drilling (due to the very high pressure) and the company is slowly reducing the mud weight. Our unrisked NAV for the contingent resources that the State 36-2R well will contribute to derisk is £0.11 per share. A high flow rate would allow the booking of 2P reserves and growth in production. With success, overall production rates could increase by 250% by end of 4Q24 (compared to the FY23 average production). In addition, the well has encountered the overlying reservoirs with a similar response as at the original well. 270 mmboe prospective resources have been estimated at the nine overlying reservoirs. This represents 6-7 times the contingent resources estimated in the Cane Creek reservoir, which was the target of the State 36-2R well.
See website for full report


Eni (ENI IM): Selling assets in Alaska – Eni is selling 100% of the Nikaitchuq and Oooguruk assets to Hilcorp.

Equinor (EQNR NO): Dry hole in Argentina – The Argerich-1 well offshore Argentina was dry.

Melbana Energy (MAY AU): Disappointing flow rate in Cuba – The Alameda-3 appraisal well did not flow hydrocarbon from any of the target reservoirs.


Beacon Energy (BCE LN): Low production in Germany/Financial difficulties/Trading suspension – The flow rate at the SCHB-2 well has not stabilized yet but the company believes that it is likely to stabilize at 50-100 bbl/d (oil). The most likely explanation for the poor performance is a combination of residual reservoir damage in the upper section of the Upper PBS reservoir and poor permeability in this particular area of the Erfelden field in the Lower PBS reservoir. Beacon looks to reduce annual cash operating cost from EUR2.5 mm to EUR1.3 mm. The company has engaged with most of its creditors with the aim of agreeing a reduction in liabilities and a deferred payment plan. Two directors of Becan will leave the company. Trading in the company’s shares will be suspended on 1 July.

TotalEnergies (TTE FP): Selling gas assets in the UK – Total is selling its entire interest in West of Shetland assets (Laggan, Tormore, Glenlivet, Edradour and Glendronach fields, the onshore Shetland Gas Plant and nearby exploration licenses) to The Prax Group. These mature assets currently produce ~7,500 boe/d.

Var Energi (VAR NO): Discovery in Norway – The Cerisa exploration well in production license PL 636 encountered estimated gross recoverable resources of 18-39 mmboe.


Caspian Sunrise (CASP LN): Operating update in Kazakhstan – Deep Well 803 has encountered oil in a 60 m interval above the main salt layer. This interval will now be tested. Production at BNG is ~1.6 mbbl/d (FY23: 1.8 mbbl/d). BNG was estimated to hold 24.8 mmbbl of 2P reserves at YE23.

Enqell Energy (ENW LN): Suspension order of Ukraine fields cancelled - The State Geologic and Subsoil Survey of Ukraine issued orders to cancel the suspensions of the Company's VAS production licence and SC exploration licence.

Petro Matad (MATD LN): Raising new equity for Mongolia – Petro Matad has raised US$8.9 mm of new equity priced at GBp2.0 per share. The proceeds will allow the company to put Heron-1 on production, drill, complete Heron-2 and put it on production and drill the Gobi-Bear 1 exploration well.


Africa Oil (AOI CN/SS): Acquiring 50% in Nigerian business – Africa Oil is acquiring the 50% of Prime it does not already own from BTG. The transaction will double the company’s production and reserves. Africa Oil will issue shares to BTG. On completion BTG is expected to hold ~35% of the enlarged share capital of the company.

Week of the 01/07/2024 – Valeura Energy (VLE CN): Operating update
05/0/2024 – GeoPark (GRPK US): Operating update
Africa Oil

Africa Oil is an international oil and gas exploration company based in Canada with oil interests in Kenya, Ethiopia, Puntland (Somalia) and Mali. Co. is an exploration stage enterprise that participates in oil and gas projects located in sub-Saharan Africa.


Chariot Oil & Gas

Chariot Oil & Gas is an independent oil and gas exploration company focused offshore in West Africa with a portfolio of assets located in the under-explored regions of Namibia, Mauritania and Morocco.

Criterium Energy Ltd.

Eni S.p.A.

Eni is engaged in the oil and gas exploration and production, gas marketing operations, management of gas infrastructures, power generation, petrochemicals, oil field services and engineering industries. Co.'s operations are divided into three segments; Exploration and Production (oil and natural gas exploration and field development and production, as well as LNG operations), Gas and Power (supply, trading and marketing of gas and electricity, managing gas infrastructures for transport, distribution, storage, re-gasification, and LNG supply and marketing), and Refining and Marketing (supply of crude oil, refining and marketing of refined products). Co. maintains operations in 73 countries.

Enwell Energy

Regal Petroleum is an independent oil and gas company focused on gas and condensate field development in Ukraine. Co. is engaged in the oil and gas exploration, development and production. Co. developed its Mekhediviska-Golotvshinska and Svyrydivske gas and condensate fields in north-eastern Ukraine, which were held under 100% owned and operated production licenses, as of Dec 31 2016. Co.'s subsidiary, LLC Prom-Enerho Produkt holds a production license over the Vasyschevskoye gas and condensate field, which also includes the Vvdenska prospect, located in the Dnieper-Donets basin in the north-east of Ukraine.

Equinor ASA

Equinor is engaged in oil and gas exploration and production activities. Co. is primarily focused on exploration, development and production of oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). Co.'s operations are organized into four segments. The Development and Production Norway and Development and Production International segments explore, develop, produce and extract crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids. The Marketing, Processing and Renewable Energy segment markets, trades, transports and processes oil and natural gas and renewable energy. The Other segment consists of global well and project delivery, research and develpoment, and business development.


Longboat Energy PLC, formerly Longboat Energy Ltd, is a United Kingdom-based investment company. The Company's investment objectives is to create a full-cycle North Sea exploration and production (E&P) company in order to deliver value to investors.

Melbana Energy Limited

Petro Matad

Petro Matad's principal activity consists of oil exploration in Mongolia. Co. is focused on its exploration activities on its Production Sharing Contracts with the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia on Blocks IV, V and XX in Mongolia.

Serica Energy

Serica Energy is an independent oil and gas company with production, development and exploration licence interests in the U.K. Continental Shelf and exploration interests in Ireland, Morocco and Namibia. As of Dec 31 2016, Co. had proved plus probable reserves of 3.8 million barrels of oil equivalent, which consisted of 2.1 million barrels of oil and 10.40 billion cubic feet of gas.

Tethys Petroleum

Tethys Petroleum is an oil and gas exploration and production company focused on projects in Central Asia. Through its subsidiaries, Co. is engaged in the exploration for, and the acquisition, development and production of, oil and natural gas resources in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Total SE

Total is an international integrated oil and gas company also active in solar and biomass energy sources. Co. engages all aspects of the petroleum industry, including Upstream operations (oil and gas exploration, development and production, and LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)) and Downstream operations (refining, petrochemicals, specialty chemicals, marketing and marketing and trading and shipping of crude oil and petroleum products). In addition, Co. is engaged in the coal mining and power generation sectors. Co.'s worldwide operations are conducted through three business segments: Upstream, Refining & Chemicals, and Marketing & Services.

Valeura Energy Inc.

Valeura Energy is engaged in the exploration, development and production of petroleum and natural gas in Turkey and Western Canada. As of Dec 31 2010, proven gross reserves for light and medium oil was 116 thousand barrels (net reserves of 104 thousand barrels); proven gross reserves for heavy oil was 10 thousand barrels (net reserves of 9 thousand barrels); proven gross reserves for natural gas was 1,047 million cubic feet (net reserves of 938 million cubic feet); and proven gross reserves for natural gas liquids was 26 thousand barrels (net reserves of 19 thousand barrels).

Zephyr Energy

Rose Petroleum is an oil and gas (O&G) and mining company with exploration assets and an operational crushing and flotation mill. Co.'s principal activities are the exploration and development of O&G resources together with the evaluation and acquisition of other mineral exploration targets, principally gold, silver, uranium and copper, and the development and operation of mines in Mexico. In Co.'s O&G division, the area of focus is on two unconventional oil and gas basins in the U.S.: the Uinta Basin and the Paradox Basin. In its mining division, Co. continues its milling operations through its subsidiary, Minerales VANE S.A. de C.V., which owns the SDA Mill in Mexico.

Auctus Advisors
Auctus Advisors

Auctus Advisors is a specialist Equity Capital Markets and Advisory business with a focus in the Energy Sector.

The partners have complementary skill sets, with decades of experience across Equity Capital Markets, Investment Banking and the Energy industry. We have worked at Société Générale, Canaccord Capital, BMO Capital Markets and Schlumberger. Most recently we have worked together for many years at GMP FirstEnergy.

Auctus has been set up at the beginning of a new decade in which we see significant opportunities in the Energy space. Globally, demand for energy is at record levels and continues to grow. Conversely, investment in traditional energy sources has been severely constrained. We believe this imbalance creates opportunities for both companies and investors.

Auctus provides Corporate Broking, Equity Research and Investment Banking services. 

Stephane Foucaud

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