Marcel Goldmann ...
  • Matthias Greiffenberger

Research Comment english – Desert Gold Ventures Inc. - 17.02.2025

Desert Gold Ventures Inc. is a mineral exploration company specializing in the discovery of world-class gold deposits in West Africa, particularly in Mali. Its flagship project, the SMSZ project, covers 440 km² along the Senegal-Mali shear zone, a region known for significant gold deposits. The project contains over one million ounces of gold, with Measured and Indicated
Mineral Resources of 310,300 ounces and Inferred Mineral Resources of 769,200 ounces. The 2024 drill program includes 30,000 metres of drilling and is aimed at expanding the existing resource base and identifying new economic gold occurrences. An updated resource estimate is expected in the fourth quarter of 2024. In addition, the Company is evaluating the potential to build a small heap leach mine that could generate significant cash flow. The Company plans to present a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) in the fourth quarter of 2024. With several large operating gold mines in close proximity, Desert Gold Ventures Inc. could be an interesting takeover target. The company's intensive exploration efforts continue to yield promising results and position it as a major player in West African gold exploration.
Desert Gold Ventures Inc


Die GBC AG mit Sitz in Augsburg ist eines der führenden bankenunabhängigen Investmenthäuser in Deutschland und erfahrener Emissionsexperte für den deutschen Mittelstand.

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Marcel Goldmann

Matthias Greiffenberger

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