Marcel Goldmann ...
  • Matthias Greiffenberger

GBC Management Interview englisch - DynaCERT Inc. - 15.01.2025

Vision for the Coming Years: Growth Strategies and Sus-tainable Innovation
GBC AG: Mr. Krüper, how do you see the future of diesel engines in a world that is increasingly focused on electromobility and alternative drives?
Bernd Krüper: First, I would like to emphasize based on my more than 30 years of professional experience in the automotive sector, as well as various stationary and mobile off-road applications, that many of these applications would not have been technologically and commercially feasible without classic internal combustion en-gines. But now, our focus is shifting to the future of diesel engines. I am also pleased that the discussion around fully electric drives is increasingly incorporating more technological understanding, realism, and pragmatism.

Dynacert is engaged in the manufacturing, distributing, installation and marketing of a transportable hydrogen generator retrofit, the unit, targeted in the heavy tractor-trailer industry. The unit system is a patent pending aftermarket retrofit that provides combustion enhancement by mixing hydrogen and oxygen with a vehicle intake valve to provide the engine with a more complete burn of the fuel in its internal combustion engine.


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Marcel Goldmann

Matthias Greiffenberger

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