Marcel Schaffer ...
  • Matthias Greiffenberger

GBC Research Management-Interview english – EasyMotionSkin Tec AG - 21.05.2024

EasyMotionSkin Tec AG and its subsidiary EasyMotionSkin Tec GmbH (Seefeld, Austria), (together the EasyMotionSkin Group) are active in the market for training and fitness equipment using electromuscular stimulation (EMS for short). The EasyMotionSkin Group has a wireless solution for EMS training devices using dry electrodes (EasyMotionSkin system). The dry electrode is a patented solution that cannot be used by competitors in this form. The companies of the EasyMotionSkin Group are active in the areas of design and development as well as in the production and distribution of these EMS systems, thus contributing a large part of the value chain. German astronaut Matthias Maurer has already used the EasyMotionSkin system to train on the ISS - an experiment conducted by the Berlin Charité and the German Space Agency DLR.



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Marcel Schaffer

Matthias Greiffenberger

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