Cosmin Filker ...
  • Marcel Goldmann

Research Note english - HAEMATO AG - 15.12.2023

HAEMATO AG is a listed company with a focus on the specialty pharma and lifestyle & aesthetics sectors. Their business activities are concentrated on growth markets for off-patent and patent-protected drugs. Their main focus is on the therapeutic areas of oncology, HIV/AIDS, neurology, cardiovascular and other chronic diseases. In the fast-growing market of aesthetic medicine, HAEMATO AG focuses on the largest market for private payers. The need for affordable medicines that are delivered at the highest quality and always meet the demand for reliable and comprehensive medical care will continue to grow in the coming years as the population's life expectancy increases. With their product portfolio of off-patent and patent-protected medi-cines, their aim is to optimise the efficient supply of medicines and thereby reduce costs for health insurance companies and, thus, also for patients. 



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Cosmin Filker

Marcel Goldmann

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