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Dominion Energy, Inc.: Update after ratings affirmation at Baa2

Our credit view of Dominion reflects its steady cash flow production from utilities and contracted businesses, constrained by its execution risk with the construction of offshore wind.
Dominion Energy Inc

Dominion Energy is a holding company. Through its subsidiaries , the company is engaged in producing and transporting energy. The company's operations are conducted through its subsidiaries: Virginia Electric and Power Company, which is a regulated public utility that generates, transmits and distributes electricity for sale in Virginia and North Carolina; and Dominion Energy Gas Holdings, LLC, which serves as the intermediate parent company for the company's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission-regulated interstate natural gas transmission pipeline and underground storage systems in the eastern and Rocky Mountain regions, as well as for the liquefied natural gas import/export and storage facility.

Moody's Investors Service
Moody's Investors Service

Moody's Investors Service is a leading provider of credit ratings, research, and risk analysis. Moody's commitment and expertise contributes to transparent and integrated financial markets, protecting the integrity of credit. Our ratings and analysis track debt covering more than:

  • 130 countries
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Moody’s default studies validate our predictive ratings. Our published research and investor briefings draw thousands of attendees each year and keep investors current with the rationale underlying our credit opinions. 

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