Emna Ben Bdira ...
  • Maxime Kogge

Aperam : Preview T2 : une hirondelle fait-elle le printemps ?

>Commentaires encourageants sur les ajustements de valeur au T2 et l’activité T3 - Nous avons fait le point avec la société suite à l’update publié hier matin dans lequel elle avait confirmé l’ensemble des items de sa guidance T2. Pour mémoire, le groupe avait indiqué début mai à l’issue du T1 tabler sur un EBITDA ajusté en hausse vs T1 (55 M€) mais à un niveau inférieur à celui anticipé par le consensus. Celui-ci était alors de 93 M€ selon Visible Alpha et il s’est e...
Aperam SA

APERAM is a stainless and specialty steel producer. Co. produces a range of stainless steel products and products including electrical steel (grain oriented, non-grain oriented, and non-grain oriented semi-processed steel), nickel alloys and specialties. Co. sells its products to customers on three continents in over 40 countries, including aerospace, automotive, catering, construction, household appliances and electrical engineering, industrial processes, medical, and oil & gas industries. Co. manages its business according to three operating segments: Stainless and Electrical Steel; Services and Solutions; and Alloys and Specialties.

Oddo BHF
Oddo BHF

​Oddo Securities provides securities brokerage and research services. The company offers equity, economic, and derivatives research and credit analysis services. It focuses on insurance, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and agri-food industries.

Emna Ben Bdira

Maxime Kogge

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